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XML Role of human factors in road accidents
غلامرضا خيرآبادي, جعفر بوالهري
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Prediction of student's spiritual intelligence by their personality characteristics
حسين زارع, احمد پدرام, الهه شيروانيان
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML The study of factors related suicide Bahar Town.
عليرضا مرادي, رحيم مرادي, احسان مصطفوي
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML The prevalence of traumatic events and some of the related factors in highschool boys students in Urmia, Iran
سجاد بشرپور, محمد نريماني, حسين قمري گيوي, عباس ابوالقاسمي
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML A study of Islamic communication Style and Religious attitudes on improvement of marrital satisfaction
فرزانه منجزي, عبدالله شفيع آبادي, منصور سوداني
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Investigating factorial structure and reliability of the intuitive-rational information processing styles inventory in the university students population
اکبر رضايي
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Attention Deficit in OCD: Identification of Persian obsessive relative words and Attentional Bias to them
وحيد نجاتي, قيصر ملکي, عباس ذبيح‌زاده, مريم صفرزاده
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Effects of Mood Induction on Frontal Asymmetry in Individuals with Behavioral Activation/Inhibition Systems
علي فخاري, محمد رستمي, محمد علي نظري, زنده ياد مير تقي گروسي فرشي
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
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