Volume 10, Issue 6 (1-2013)                   RBS 2013, 10(6): 391-400 | Back to browse issues page

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کرمي‌نيا ر, احمدي طهور سلطاني م, باقريان سرارودي ر, مولوي ز. Psychometric properties of the Trait Hope Scale in Iranian Students. RBS 2013; 10 (6) :391-400
URL: http://rbs.mui.ac.ir/article-1-272-en.html
1- استاديار، گروه روان‌شناسي، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامي واحد همدان، همدان، ايران
2- دانشيار، مركز تحقيقات علوم رفتاري، گروه روان‌پزشکي، دانشكده پزشكي، دانشگاه علوم پزشكي اصفهان، اصفهان، ايران
3- کارشناس ارشد، گروه روان‌شناسي تربيتي، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامي واحد همدان، همدان، ايران
Abstract:   (2398 Views)
Aim and Background: The aim of the present study was to investigatethe psychometric properties of the Trait Hope Scale and its relation with psychological well-being of Iranian university students. Methods and Materials: In this descriptivesurvey, 191 students of Hamadan Islamic Azad University (mean age: 24.17 &plusmn; 4.30 years; range: 18-45 years) were selected through stratified randomsampling.The participants completed Snyder&#039;s Trait Hope Scaleand State Hope Scale, Riff&#039;s Psychological Well-Being Scale, and Beck Hopelessness Inventory. Data was analyzed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, Cronbach&#039;s alpha and split-half methods via SPSS 16 and LISREL 8.5 . Findings: Cronbach&#039;s alpha (0.83), split-half coefficient (0.80), divergent validity (with Beck Hopelessness Scale,-0.20), and criterion validity (with Snyder State Hope Scale, 0.55) were significant (P < 0.01). Exploratory factor analysis showed that the 12-item Hope Scale for adults had one latent factor thatexplained 47% of the scale variance. Firstorder confirmatory factor analysis indicated that 8items of the scalehad high factor loadings on one latent factor.Univariate model appropriately fitted with the data (adjusted goodness-of-fit index = 0.91, root mean square error of approximation = 0.05, normed fit index = 0.98). In addition, there was a significant relation between trait hope and psychological well-being (r = 0.25; P < 0.01). Conclusions: The Trait Hope Scale has high reliability and validity and thus can be usedinfuture research.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2020/02/8 | Published: 2013/01/15

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