Volume 5, Issue 2 (8-2007)                   RBS 2007, 5(2): 107-113 | Back to browse issues page

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مختاري‌پور م, گودرزي ز, سيادت ع, كيوان‌آرا م. Anxiety, Depression and some of their Demographic Correlates in Students of Isfahan Medical University. RBS 2007; 5 (2) :107-113
URL: http://rbs.mui.ac.ir/article-1-126-en.html
1- مربي دانشگاه پيام نور فريدون‌شهر
2- دانشيار گروه روانشناسي دانشکده علوم تربيتي دانشگاه اصفهان
3- استاديار گروه جامعه‌شناسي پزشکي دانشکده پزشکي دانشگاه علوم پزشکي اصفهان
Abstract:   (2739 Views)
Introduction : Anxiety and depression are two common psychiatric disorders which put heavy burdens on the societies. This study is aimed to assess anxiety, depression and some of their demographic correlates in Isfahan medical university students.  Methods : This was a descriptive-analytic correlation study.The sample consisted of 200 students who had been randomly selected among all Isfahan medical university students in the 2006-2007 academic year. Kettles' anxiety questionnaire and Beck's depression inventory were used to assess anxiety and depression. Data were analysed using multiple regression analysis method.  Findings : Academic achievement was found to be the only demographic variable which had a significant correlation with depression. The mean of academic average score, the medical course of study and the female gender were found to be positively and significantly correlated with the rate of anxiety, while the socio-economic status was shown to be negatively so.  Discussion : Studying medicine inevitably requires a constant engagement with the people’s pain and suffering, as well as a hard work, along term duration of study in the university and taking part in several hard standard examinations. Medial students are potentially vulnerable to anxiety as a result of their apprehension about their academic achievement and also to depression as a result of the potential academic failures. Attention should be paid toward the mental health in this talented and vulnerable student group.  Key Words : Anxiety, Depression, Medical, Student, Demographic
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2020/02/8 | Accepted: 2020/02/9 | Published: 2020/02/9

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