نجمه راستي كردار, سيد محمدرضا تقوي, محمد علي گودرزي, جواد ملازاده, Volume 9, Issue 3 (9-2011)
Aim and Background: Cognitivists have recently paid extensive attention to source monitoring deficit as an impairment in schizophrenic patients and is used in clarification of major symptoms including hallucination and delusion. Therefore, the present study aimed to explore the effects of source monitoring ability in auditory hallucination. Methods and Materials: This causal-comparative study used availability sampling to select 40 schizophrenic patients and 21 individuals with major depression among those referred to or hospitalized in four psychiatric hospitals in Shiraz during June 2008-May 2009. Nineteen healthy individuals were used as the control group. After conducting supplementary interviews, they were tested using a source-monitoring task designed by the corresponding author. The data were statistically analyzed using signal detection theory (SDT). Response-sensitivity and response-bias scores were determined for each subject. The results have been explained in the light of the Fernyhogh’s re-expansion model (2004) and show the deficit in interactional relationship between source monitoring and inner speech. Findings: Schizophrenic patients with current auditory hallucination scored the lowest in the visual sensitivity part of the source monitoring task which was not attributable to the response-bias and antipsychotic medication. Conclusions: Our results confirmed the hypotheses stated in Fernyhough's re-expansion model about the mechanism of auditory hallucination.
Aim and Background: Death is an undeniable reality, and every one may confront with the death of beloved ones sooner or later. Death of a beloved one is among the worst events a child might ever experience throughout his or her life. Cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) has increasingly been used to ameliorate the emotional consequence of death in children and adolescences. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive CBT on the bereaved high-school students who have lost one of the members of their families. Method and Materials: This was a quasi-experimental study in which 20 bereaved students (girls = 10, boy = 10), who have lost one member of their family, were randomly selected from the bereaved students in Eghleed district in Fars province. They were then divided into two groups i.e. the experimental (n = 10) and the control groups (n = 10). The experimental group received 8 sessions of CBT, the control group received no intervention. California Test of Personality (CTP) was administered on both groups before and after the intervention. The data were analyzed with Mann-Whitney U and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests using SPSS software. Findings: The analysis of the data indicated a statistically significant difference between the experiment and control groups in total score of adjustment inventory (P < 0.02). The analysis of data in sub-scales indicated a statistically significant difference in score of individual adjustment (P < 0.01). There was no significant difference in total score of social adjustment (P < 0.1). Conclusions: The results suggested that CBT has increased adjustment in bereaved children, and it might be used as an effective technique to enhance mental health in bereaved children.