Showing 5 results for Psychiatric Disorders
نسرين فروزنده, معصومه دل آرام, کبري نوريان, فاطمه دريس,
Volume 11, Issue 5 (11-2013)
Aim and Background: The family functioning is a suitable anticipant scale for mental health therefore, the goal of the current study was to compare family functioning of psychiatric disorders . Methods and materials: This study was an analytical descriptive and cross-sectional study that performed on 150 inpatients with anxiety disorders , depressive disorders and bipolar disorders schizophrenia. The data was collected through interview by researcher, using the FDA (Family Function Questionnaire) The data assessed using by SPSS software using descriptive statistics and ANOVA analysis and Kruskal-Wallis . Results: There was significant difference between the mean score of family functioning of patients with anxiety disorders , depressive disorders and bipolar disorders , Also the most difficult area of family functioning was on roles, involvement emotional and overall function (p≤ /05) . Discussion: The results of this study show that anxiety disorders, patients with depression and bipolar disorder are encountered with problem in many aspects of family functioning that will reinforce the role of the family system in mental diseases. So that is necessary to caregivers and family members of patients encourage participating in educational programs.
غلام رضا خيرآبادي, عباس عطاري, مهين امين الرعايا, محمدرضا مرآثي,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (12-2015)
Abstract Aim and Background: Continuous education of health provider staffs is over mentioned. This study designed to evaluate the efficacy of a need assessment based educational workshop for a group of nurses in psychiatric wards of educational hospitals in Isfahan regarding to psychiatric disorders. Methods and Materials: This is an interventiona l study and our samples included all nurses were working in psychiatric wards of Noor & Farabi hospitals in Isfahan. The educational intervention performed in a workshop format including lecture presenting, group work and discussion in both hospitals. Knowledge & attitudes of samples evaluated before, immediate and one month after the workshop using a researcher designed questionnaire. Collected data analysed with Bonferroni, Repeated measure & ANOVA tests using SPSS-19. Findings: The mean score of the knowledge's of the samples raised from the base of 63.3± 11.6 to 82.7±12.9 & 73.3± 13.3 immediate and one month after the workshop respectively (p ≤0.001). The mean score of attitude raised meaningfully from the 60.1±8.1 of the base to 63.1±10.7 after intervention and 64.9±11.6 one month later. Conclusions: Educational workshop regarding the psychiatric disorders can cause positive effect on knowledge and attitude of nursing staffs to these disorders and may promote the practice with the psychiatric patients.
غلامرضا قاسمي, فريماه رضائيان بروجني,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (12-2016)
Aim and Background: A significant number of women who succumb to psychiatric illness are the victims of wife battering. No appreciable attempt has been made to further explore this issue in Iranian context. The aim of this study was to examine the association between wife battering and psychiatric hospitalizations and suicide attempts. Methods and Materials: Ninty-eight women with history of wife battering and equal number of women without such history were randomly selected and assigned into case and control groups from female patients admitted to the psychiatric ward in Khorshid Hospital in Isfahan, Iran, 2015. They were screened for history of physical and non-physical intimate partner abuse by means of the Persian version of Intimate Partner Abuse Scale of Hudson. Findings: The mean suicide attempts was higher in case group but both groups had equal number of rehsopitalization. No significant association was noted between partner abuse and psychiatric rehsopitalization while age, frequency of suicide attempt and type of psychiatric disorder were the major predictors of psychiatric rehsopitalization. Conclusions: Report of abuse does not necessarily lead to hospitalization of female psychiatric patients. It seems that age, history of suicidal attempt and current intent to suicide, and the severity of psychiatric illness are the main factors in patient hospitalization. It sounds reasonable that clinical psychiatrist takes the impacts of domestic violence in account while managing female psychiatric patients.
Sarvar Arman, Mohamdreza Mohammadi, Sayed Salman Alavi, Ali Khaleghi, Mahnaz Ghaneian, Sara Ataei Maghsood Beigii, Mina Adiban Zadeh, Aida Tavakol Far, Shokoofeh Alidadi Shamsabadi, Saeid Karbasi Amel, Mohammad Asgari, Elnaz Farzam Far, Mehrdad Havazadeh,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (8-2019)
Aim and Background: Psychiatric disorders are gaining top rank in the burden of disease. Undoubtedly, knowing their prevalence in children and adolescents can help prevent and control these problems and save money. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents in Isfahan. Methods and Materials: According to the nature of the research, the research method is a fundamental type that was performed on 1010 children and adolescents in Isfahan province in 2017 that were randomly selected using multistage cluster sampling. Clinical psychologists are trained to conduct research refer to the selected children's homes and using the Persian version of the semi-structured diagnostic interview for Mental Disorders and Schizophrenia for children and adolescents, Current Detection and Lifespan (K-SADS-PL). In addition, demographic data (gender, age, education, parental education, and economic status) were also collected. After collecting the data, the data were analyzed by SPSS software using frequency indices and frequency. Findings: According to the findings, the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents in Isfahan province is 14.8% and the prevalence of these disorders in boys is higher than in girls. Also, according to the results, the prevalence of these disorders in the age range of 10-14 years was more than other ages. Psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents in the city were more than children and adolescents in the village. Conclusions: According to the results, the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in Isfahan province is in the middle range compared to other studies carried out in other researches carried out inside and outside the country. However, the need for mental health policies in childhood and adolescence is suggested to reduce the burden of damage in the future and provide solutions to the proble m.
Soheil Abousaedi Jirofti, Maryam Taleblu, Fatemeh Nemati Sogolitappeh,
Volume 22, Issue 3 (10-2024)
Aim and Background: Considering the importance of mental health and the high prevalence of crime among prisoners as a risky group and the growing procedure of psychiatric disorders in the country, the purpose of this study was to estimate the prevalence of psychiatric disorders symptoms and related demographic factors in Zahedan city prisoners in 2024.
Methods and Materials: The model of the research was descriptive-correlational and the statistical population of the research included all the male and female prisoners of the central prison of Zahedan. In current study, 386 male and female prisoners of Zahedan were selected as the sample of the research by using available sampling method. Symptom Checklist of Mental Disorders (SCL90) was used for collecting data. The collected data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and Chi-square statistical test, and SPSS version 26 software.
Findings: The results of this study showed that about 33.03% of the prisoners in Zahedan prison probably have one psychiatric disorder at the clinical level. The results of the current research, based on classification of the symptomatology checklist of mental disorders, showed that the most common psychiatric disorders among the prisoners of Zahedan prison respectively were: paranoid thoughts (43.3), sensitivity in interpersonal relationships (41.3), physical complaints (39.6), depression (39.1), anxiety (34.4), psychosis (30.6), hostility (31.0), obsessive-compulsive (24.9), and morbid fear (22.1). Also, there was a significant relationship between the prevalence of psychiatric symptoms with gender (P=0.001), the duration of enduring imprisonment (P=0.001), and education (P=0.001). However, any significant relationship between the psychiatric symptoms and the age in Zahedan prisoners was not found (P>0.01).
Conclusions: The above results indicate the importance of health and treatment planning for the group of prisoners as a group at risk and the need to pay attention to the mental state and appropriate therapeutic interventions as an urgent need for prisoners.