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Showing 6 results for Substance Abuse

مسيب يارمحمدي واصل,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (7-2011)

Aim and Background: The therapeutic community (TC) is a residential treatment model, which is effective in the treatment of people with substance abuse disorder. The aim of the people study was to examine the effectiveness of TC on mental symptoms of persons with substance abuse disorder. Methods and Materials: In this experimental, pre-post test and follow-up study, referred patients with substance abuse disorder were studied in three phases. They were under TC treatment at least for 6 months. 474 subjects were selected by stratified sampling method from broujerd, Kerman, Ahvaz, and Bojnourd cities. The instruments used for data collection were a SCL90 questionnaire and morphin test. Data analyzed using aired samples T test. Findings: The intervention was effective on&nbsp; mental symptoms (symptoms of depression, paranoiad thought, morbid symptoms, obsession- compulsion, aggression, physical complaint, problem in social relationship, anxiety, phobia, psychosis) of studied population (P < 0.05). Also, more than half (59/27) of the referred patients were clean after one year follow-up period. Conclusions: The results demonstrated the effectiveness of TC on the mental symptoms and treatment of patients with substance abuse disorder.
زينب خانجاني, نفيسه فخرائي, رحيم بدري,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (12-2011)

Aim and Background: Personality traits are among the factors affecting the tendency to substance abuse. Personality evaluations have shown sensation seeking to be a particularly strong predictor of initial substance abuse across a variety of drug use categories. The aim of this study was to determine levels of sensation seeking in addicted and normal subjects while considering gender. Methods and Materials: The present causal comparative study was performed on 90 individuals (60 male and 30 female addicts with an age range of 20-40). Accessible sampling was used to randomly select the subjects from referrers to welfare centers and outpatient addiction treatment centers in different parts of Tabriz and Marand in 2009. Based on DSM-IV-TR criteria, this group (the case group) suffered amphetamine substance abuse or dependence. The other group (control group) included 60 male and 30 female non-addicts who were among the relatives, neighbors and friends of the subjects in the case group. Overall, the study population consisted of 180 people. Zuckerman&#039;s Sensation Seeking Scale was used to collect data. Finally, data was analyzed by multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and least significant difference (LSD) post-hoc test Findings: The results revealed a significant difference between addicts and non-addicts in terms of total sensation seeking and its subscales including thrill and adventure seeking, experience seeking, and boredom susceptibility. The addicted participants scored higher than non-addicts in total sensation seeking and its subscales. In addition, the scores of male addicts were higher than female addicts in total sensation seeking and the subscales of thrill and adventure seeking, experience seeking, and sensation seeking. However, there was no significant difference between female and male addicts in experience seeking, boredom susceptibility, and disinhibition. Conclusions: Although addiction, as a social pathology, would never be eradicated completely, it can be controlled through management, thinking and devoted attempts. Assessment of personality traits and sensation seeking in addicts provides important information for better definition, recognition, and treatment of addicts.
مهدي کريم يار جهرمي, محمد هادي افتخارزاده, زهرا حميدي پور,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (12-2015)

Abstract Aim and Background: Substance abuse is an essential problem, international and in our country and concomitant with untreatment problems like continuous relapse. This study is with purpose of Assessment meter of various effective factors associated with substance abuse relapse in addict&rsquo;s perspective in Shafabakhsh center of Jahrom. Methods and Materials: In descriptive-cross sectional study, a Sample of 506 available addicts was recruited. Data collected in psychologist practitioner with a checklist. Validity obtain with contain valid and confidence with test re-test and 0.78 kronbakh index. Findings: Majority(95.1%) of addicts were men with mean age 35.20&plusmn;1.15, mean first&nbsp; substance abuse age 24.44&plusmn;8.63, mean 6.39&plusmn;2.24 times of cassation and 97.10&plusmn;1.96 days for last cassation. In individual factors, psychological factors and in environmental factors, social factors were most effective in relapse in addict&rsquo;s perspective. In addition, psychological and familial factors had maximum and minimum effect in relapse, respectively. Conclusions: Substance abuse relapse has different factors that psychological especially temptation is common. So, showing appropriate guideline and familial and social surveillance and follow-up for collation with this situations is essential for permanent prosperity treatment.
سجاد رضائي, سنبل طارميان, سيد موسي کافي, فاطمه پورآقا, ناهيد بازرگانيان,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (12-2015)

Abstract Aim and Background: This study aimed at studying the role of incarceration length and HIV/AIDS on severity of psychopathological symptoms in substance abusers. Methods and Materials: In a cross sectional-retrospective study, 43 substance abusers with HIV/AIDS and 49 ones without HIV/AIDS were selected by available and consecutive sampling methods that were under Methadone Maintenance Therapy (MMT) in counseling clinics of behavioral diseases and addiction abandonment. All of them were evaluated respecting matched confounding variables via symptom check list-90-Revised (SCL-90-R). Results were analyzed by chi-square (&chi; 2 ), independent t-test, two-variable regression, multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA). Findings: Although the average of incarceration length was higher in substance abusers with HIV/AIDS, the prediction equations of psychological distress severity based on incarceration length indicated the significance and strength of this relationship in substance abusers without HIV/AIDS (P=0.004). However, this relationship was not significant in substance abusers with HIV/AIDS (P=0.061). The effect of history of incarceration and HIV/AIDS was significant on psychological distress severity in both groups (P=0.001, P=0.049, respectively). The interactive effect of each of these factors was not significant on psychological distress severity. While it was significant on depression levels and positive symptoms total (PST). Conclusions: The higher incarceration length has more detrimental role on psychological distress severity in substance abusers without HIV/AIDS. Having both a history of incarceration and HIV/AIDS endangers the mental health of substance abusers. Meanwhile, although substance abusers with HIV/AIDS without incarceration history had higher levels of depression, substance abusers with HIV/AIDS with history of incarceration suffered more from number or higher range of psychological symptoms.
سوده شادکام, جواد ملازاده, عبدالعزیز افلاک سیر,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (7-2018)

Aim and Background: In the recent years, the percentage of people diagnosed with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) through sexual relations has grown dramatically. Since AIDS infection is associated with risky behaviors, to prevent illness, understanding the reasons for the growth of high-risk behaviors is essential. The aim of this study was to predict risky sexual behaviors related to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) based on difficulties in emotion regulation in substance users. Methods and Materials: This study was descriptive-correlational. Statistical population included substance users referred to addiction treatment and rehabilitation centers in Shiraz, Iran, that 200 of them were selected by convenient sampling. The criterion variable was risky sexual behavior and the predictor variable was difficulties in emotion regulation which were assessed by HIV Risk-taking Behavior Scale (HRBS) and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS), respectively. Data were analyzed using stepwise multiple regression. Findings:  All dimensions of difficulties in emotion regulation had a significant positive relationship with risky sexual behaviors (P < 0.01). Among other subscales of difficulties in emotional regulation, non-acceptance and limited access to effective strategies of emotion regulation were predictors of risky sexual behaviors. Conclusions: It can be concluded that difficulties in emotional regulation can predict risky sexual behavior in substance users and can lead to more vulnerability to such behaviors. This result will be useful in designing interventions to reduce risky sexual behavior.
Akram Mazlomi, Hossein Davoudi, Hasan Heidari, Mohammad Asgari ,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (10-2019)

Aim and Background: Substance abuse disorder or addiction is complex behavioral problems arising from many interacting factors, including social, cultural, environmental, psychological and biological. Therefore, the aim of this study was prediction of addiction potential using developmental assets in adolescents.

Methods and Materials: This study was a descriptive-correlational research. To achieve this purpose, 500 students (250 boys, 250 girls) of 10 and 11 grades in Arak were selected by stage cluster sampling. The participants completed Iranian Addiction Preparedness Scale (IAPS) and Developmental Assets Profile (DAP). Data were analyzed by SPSS software, using Pearson correlation and regression analysis.

Findings: The results showed that there is a significant relationship between developmental assets and its dimensions with addiction potential and its components in adolescents (p<.05). Also, developmental assets and its dimensions predict the addiction potential and its components (p<.05).

Conclusions: Results of present study showed that developmental assets an important role in predicting addiction potential in adolescents. Therefore, consideration of these predictive variables by researchers, specialists, therapists, and planners seems necessary to prevent drug substance abuse disorder or addiction.

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