Showing 21 results for Reliability
افشين افضلي, علي دلاور, احمد برجعلي, محمود ميرزماني,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (8-2007)
Background and Aim: Psychological scales are increasingly used as important tools for assessment of intelligence, talents, academic achievement and personality characteristics and as a help in diagnosis of mental or personality disorders. Besides other methods of studying behaviors, these tools can be used for such purposes in schools, industrial and commercial organizations, public offices, universities and medical centers. This study aimed to assess psychometric properties of Depression-Anxiety-Stress Scale(DASS-42) in a sample of high school students in Kermanshah. Method and Materials: This was a psychometric study executed on Kermanshah high school students in 2003-2004 academic year. A total number of 400 students were selected through multi-stage cluster sampling. In addition to DASS-44, other scales used in this study include: Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Zung Anxiety Scale (ZAS) and Studets’ Stress Scale (SSS).Data were analysed running SPSS-10 software. Findings: The depression subscale of DASS-42 showed a high correlation (0.849) with the BDI in a 0.01 level of statistical significance. The stress subscale of DASS-42 was also found to have a 0.757 correlation co-efficient with SSS, again statistically significant at a 0.01 level. The rates of Chronbach alpha for the depression, anxiety and Stress subscales of DASS-42 were found to be 0.94, 0.85 and 0.87 respectively. The KMO rate for the present study was 0.88 which indicates a large-enough sample size for factor analysis. The Cruet-Bartlett’s test also showed a chi-square rate of 0.794 with a degree of freedom equal to 861, which was again significant at a 0.01 alpha level. Discussion: After factor analysis, the factors which showed high specificity measures were compared with those introduced by the original authors. Hence this study identified a three factor model which can be regarded as identical with the model introduced by the original authors.
زهرا فدايي, محسن دهقاني, كارينه طهماسيان, فاطمه فرهادي,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (2-2011)
Aim and Background: The aim of current study was to investigate the factor structure, reliability, and validity of Parenting Stress Index-Short Form (PSI-SF) among Tehran city's mothers with 7-12 year-old children. Methods and Materials: After translation, back translation and adaptation of instrument, due to normalization this instrument by applied survey design, 468 mothers from those which selected by multiphase cluster sampling method, complete the PSI-SF questionnaire. The data were analyzed by structural equating model using LISREL software. Findings: The results of Cronbach's alpha showed that the reliability quotients for parenting stress and each of subscales of parental distress, parent-child dysfunctional interaction and difficult child were 0.90, 0.80, 0.84, and 0.80 respectively for total sample (these results for mothers of boys were 0.89, 0.80, 0.83, and 0.78 and mothers of girls 0.91, 0.80, 0.84, and 0.80). Test-retest reliability after 18 days showed 0.75 for total score, 0.82 for parental distress, 0.73 for parent-child dysfunctional interaction, and 0.71 for difficult child. Depression anxiety stress scales (DASS) and the child behavior checklist (CBCL) tests were used for evaluating the divergent and convergent. By using factor analysis, we extracted 3 factors (parental distress, parent-child dysfunctional interaction and difficult child). Conclusions: Results of this study showed that PSI-SF has psychometric properties for utilizing in psychological research and clinical diagnosis of mother's parenting stress.
جعفر حسني,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (12-2011)
Aim and Background: The aim of the present study was to develop a short form of the Persian version of the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ-P-Short) and to examine its reliability and validity. Methods and Materials: The CERQ-P was administrated to 420 (220 male and 200 female) Iranian university students in 2009-2010 academic year. Following stepwise omission of the items with the highest ‘alpha if item deleted’ on the basis of reliability analyses results, the CERQ-P-Short was constructed. The validity of this questionnaire was assessed through the principal component analysis using varimax rotation, correlations between subscales, and criterion validity. Findings: The results of Cronbach’s alpha (ranged from 0.68 to 0.82) showed that the nine subscales of the CERQ-P-Short possessed good reliability. Principal component analysis explained 75% of the variance and supported the original nine-factor CERQ model. The correlations among the subscales were moderately high. Finally, with respect to criterion validity, several CERQ-P-Short subscales were uniquely associated with symptoms of depression. Conclusions: The short form of Persian version of the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ-P) has good psychometric properties.
اکبر رضايي,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (1-2013)
Aim and Background: People differ in how they process information. Assessment of such differencess is helpfull for understanding and predicting behavior in a variety of contexts. One of tht most important measure of individual differences in Information Processing is the Intuitive-Rational- Inventory, and the purpose of the present research is to investigate the psychometric properties of Persian version of this Inventory in university students’ population. Methods and Materials: First, the Inventory was translated into Farsi. Then, it was retranslated into English and compared with the original version to find and correct the gaps between the translated version and the original version. Finally, after the pilot study and resolving the mistakes, the final questionnaire was carried out for sample group consisting of 335 students studying in Humanities Sciences in Tabriz Payame Noor University. The data were analysed by using SPSS-18 softwar. Findings: In this study, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was conducted on the 40 items of the inventory, using a Principal Component Analysis, with Varimax Rotation. Cattell’s scree plot and Horn’s parallel analysis indicated the two factor solutions. Examination of communalities table revealed 18 items (nine each from the rational and experiential scales) with low internal consistency. These items were deleted and a second Principal Component factor analysis was conducted on the remaining 22 items. The resulte showed the two factors clearly. The first factor accounted for 18% and the second factor about 16% of the variance in the item set. As in the original scale, these factors were called Intuitive and rational Information Processing styles. To determine its validity item- total correlations and item discrimination power calculated. The reliability of the Intuitive-Rational Inventory was obtained by internal consistency (cronbach alpha) and test- retest methods. Cronbach's Alpha coefficient for Intuitive and rational Information Processing styles was 0.80 and 0.77; and correlation coefficient after four weeks retest was 0.90 and 0.94, respectively. Cronbach's Alpha and test- retest coefficient showed that reliability of factors is acceptable. Conclusions: Results at this study showed that Intuitive-Rational- Inventory has psychometric properties for utilizing in psychological research, clinical diagnostics and counseling.
نادر حاجلو,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (9-2012)
Aim and Background: There are no questionnaires to assess the psychosomatic complaints of university students in Iran. The purpose of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of Takata and Sakata's psychosomatic complaints scale among Iranian university students. Methods and Materials: In this study, multistage cluster sampling was used to select 291 individuals from all male and female students of Mohaghegh Adabili University (Iran). Data was collected using Takata and Sakata's psychosomatic complaints scale and Goldberg's General Health Questionnaire. The obtained data was analyzed by exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and Cronbach's alpha coefficients. Findings: Takata and Sakata's psychosomatic complaints scale had efficient face, content, concurrent, and construct validity to assess university students. The retest reliability and internal consistency of the scale were also adequate. Conclusions: Takata and Sakata's psychosomatic complaints scale can be used to identify students with psychosomatic complaints. Therefore, the use of this scale in student counseling is recommended.
راضيه نصيرزاده, نرجس عرفانمنش,
Volume 10, Issue 5 (1-2013)
Aim and Background: Considering the verbal limitation in children, their low cooperation with therapist and lack of awareness of their emotions and actions have made their psychological assessment limited to the rating child behavior by parents or teachers or the use of behavioral observations. There is an urgent need to identify and apply diagnostic tools that can assess the child’s emotions from their perspective. Drawing a story is able to respond to these needs. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate reliability, validity and standardization of drawing a story (DAS) among the children in elementary school of Shiraz, Iran. Methods and Materials: 500 primary school students from Shiraz were selected through multistage stratified random sampling. Subjects performed DAS and child behavior checklist (CBCL) was filled out by their parents. Data was analyzed using Spearman correlation coefficient, Kappa’s agreement coefficient, Cronbach's alpha and one way ANOVA. Findings: Cronbach's alpha was 0.82 for emotional scale, and reliability was 0.69, 0.64 and 0.58 for emotional content, self-image and using humor, respectively. Convergent validity was calculated by determining the correlation coefficient with child behavior checklist (CBCL). It was used in the comparison of the validity of the differential scores of children in three groups (depressed, aggressive and normal). Conclusions: Results of this study showed that drawing a story has psychometric properties for utilizing in psychological research and clinical diagnosis.
اکبر رضائي,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (3-2014)
Aim and Background: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the factorial structure and reliability of Persian version of the Multiple Intelligences Inventory. Methods and Materials: First, this Inventory translated to Farsi. Then, it was retranslated to English and compared with the original version to find and correct the gaps between the translated version and the original version. Finally, after the pilot study and resolving the mistakes, the final Inventory was carried out for sample group consisting of 413 students studying in Humanities Sciences in Tabriz Payame Noor University (283 female, 130 male). In this study, Exploratory Factor Analysis was conducted on the items of scales, using a Principal Component Analysis, with Varimax Rotation. Results: Resulte of factor analysis showed diffrent dimention for each subscales. For these factors assigned a name according to the content of the items. In this research item- total correlations and item discrimination power calculated. The reliability of the Inventory was obtained by internal consistency (cronbach alpha) and test- retest methods. Cronbach's Alpha coefficient for subscales was in the range between 0.74 untile 0.96; and correlation coefficient after four weeks retest was in the range between 0.68 untill 0.89, respectively. Cronbach's Alpha and test- retest coefficient showed that reliability of subscales is acceptable. Conclusions: According to the Results of this study can be councluded that Multiple Intelligences Inventory has appropriate psychometric properties for detemine individual intelligence profiles.
زهرا عليپور, نرگس اسکندري, مينور لميعيان, هدي احمري طهران, ابراهيم حاجي زاده, احمد ايزدي,
Volume 11, Issue 5 (11-2013)
Aim and Background: Given that, people's reaction to AIDS victims, desire to seek information about AIDS, and personal efforts to avoid exposure to AIDS could be affected by the level of anxiety a person experiences about AIDS. This paper assessed the reliability and validity of Persian version of multidimensional AIDS Anxiety Questionnaire– (MAAQ-P) in Iranian students . Methods and Materials: After face and content validity, to psychometry present tool, from 617 students of Qom non-medical universities, answered to response to (MAAQ-P). Samples selected by available method. In this study, we used confirmatory and explanatory factor analysis, Pearson correlation and Cronbach's Alpha in order to examine construct and concurrent validity, respectively. SPSS program version 18 and Lisrel version 8.8 were used to analyze the data in this study . Findings: The total (MAAQ-P) had a high internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.95). The Cronbach’s alphas for the sub-scales were (physiological arousal, =α0. 78), (cognitive ­worry, =α0.78) (sexual inhibition, =α0.79), (discussion inhibition =α0.80) and (fear, =α0.80). Based on factor analysis, five dimensions Inventory 5.57 of the total variance explained, and they were approved. After one month test-retest study on a sub-sample of 40 students revealed Pearson correlation coefficient ranges from 0.65 to 0.96 was obtained (p<0.001). Conclusions: The results of the present study indicate that the Farsi version of MAAQ has a good reliability and validity and instruments that can be used to monitor societal changes in AIDS anxiety.
وحيده لامعي, سعيده لامعي, حسن يعقوبي, علي محمدزاده,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (4-2014)
Abstract Aim and Background: The Zuckerman – Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire is an instrument measuring personality traits. It is designed according to Zuckerman’s Alternative Five Factor Personality Model (FFM). The present research aimed at investigating the psychometric properties of a version of the Zuckerman – Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire which contains 50 items. Method and Materials: The research design was descriptive correlational. The sample, including 508 individuals (308 females and 200 males), were selected and tested via stratified random sampling from among the students of Azerbaijan Shahid Madani University. To analyze the factor structure of the questionnaire, exploratory factor analysis method was used and its principal components were examined. Discriminant and Concurrent validity and Test-Retest reliability, Alpha Cronbach, Split-Half and ICC (Intraclass Correlation Coefficient) were also used. Findings: Questionnaire’s Test-Retest reliability coefficient proved to be 0.79. Alpha Cronbach, Split-Half coefficient, and ICC proved to be 0.64, 0.68 and 60/0 (p<0.000) respectively. The five following factors were extracted via exploratory factor analysis with Varimax Rotation: Neuroticism – Anxiety, Sensation Seeking, Activity, Sociability and Aggression – Hostility. Concurrent Validity of the Questionnaire has been studied through correlational analysis with EPQ. The Results demonstrated a correlation between ZKPQ-50-CC and EPQ. The result of discriminant validity demonstrated that ZKPQ and its factors (except the Activity factor) could thoroughly distinguish those who obtained high mark from those who obtained low mark in N,E,P factors of Eysenck's questionnaire. Conclusions: The Results indicate that the Zuckerman – Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire (ZKPQ-50-CC) enjoys desirable psychometric properties in Iranian society and can be used in psychological researches.
راحله سموعي, طيبه طيباني, آيت اله سهرابي, امراله ابراهيمي,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (7-2014)
Aim and Background: Self-assertiveness is one of the ten life skills and its achievement is necessary in order to have a good and favorable life. Precise measurement of these features and decision-making are necessary to promote it; therefore, the present study aimed to construct and review the quality of psychometric assessment of self-assertiveness scale in students of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. Methods and Materials: This was a descriptive-analytical tool study conducted on 196 students of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences by cluster (selection of 6 courses of study) and randomized methods (selection of academic year from each course of study). Using different self-assertiveness inventory forms (College Self-assertiveness Scale) from reliable website, different translations and combination of questions and etc, the primary questionnaire was developed and it was implemented in three stages after assessment of face and content validity by the professors. The descriptive and psychometric statistics were calculated through SPSS software. Findings: The results showed that the questionnaire had a proper face and content validity, acceptable concurrent validity (0.74), Cronbach’s alpha (0.94) and reliability (0.87) through bisect method. Analysis of principal components introduced four different factors including passive, aggressive, self-assertiveness which explained 33.58 percent of the total variance. Conclusions: Calculated psychometric indicators in this study indicated inappropriateness of this tool to assess the rate of self- assertiveness in students.
هادي بهرامي احسان, مهسا سعادتي, فاطمه محمودي, صديقه فاني,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (12-2015)
Abstract Aim and Background: The present study examined the reliability, validity and factor structure of the four-dimensional measure of health questionnaire based on Biopsychosocial-spiritual model . Methods and Materials: The sample consisted of 311 individuals (including depressed people, people with heart disease, and Healthy people) which they collected with accessible sampling method from Shiraz in 1391. For collecting data we used four-dimensional measure of health questionnaire with 125 items that content validity of that was approved by professors. To achieve construct validity we used exploratory factor analysis. Findings: According to good validity and reliability of the 4-dimensional measure of health, we proposed using this questionnaire to measure health in any health survey. Conclusions: Suicide attempters have more abnormal clinical pattern personalities than normal group
افضل اکبري بلوطبنگان, فاطمه رحماني, سحر عشق آبادي,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (11-2016)
Aim and Background: Aggression is common among adolescents all around the world. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to examine the reliability and validity of the Aggressiveness Scale. Methods and Materials: The present descriptive and psychometric study was conducted on 607 students. The study subjects were selected from among 10-13-year-old students using multi-stage cluster sampling. All participants completed the Aggressiveness Scale and Harter’s Academic Motivation Scale (to determine concurrent validity). Exploratory factor analysis, item-total score correlation, and reliability analyses were performed to examine the psychometric characteristics of the scale. In addition, the Samijima graded response model was used to determine the fitness of data and analysis. Findings: Factorial analysis showed that the Aggressiveness Scale is saturated by one factor and has satisfactory fitness scales. Aggression had significant relationships with academic motivation (-0.17), academic achievement (-0.41), school absenteeism (0.41), and discipline (-0.35) (P < 0.01). Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the scale was 0.82. The data related to question responses had a suitable fitness with the Samijima model and the test awareness function in the range of +0.8 to +3 was a characteristic continuum. The statistical analysis was performed in SPSS, EQS, and Multilog software. Conclusions: The Persian version of the Aggressiveness Scale had acceptable psychometric characteristics among adolescents. Therefore, it can be used as a valid instrument for psychological studies. Furthermore, preventing and reducing aggression, and informing families, managers, chancellors, and teachers regarding the symptoms and causes of this problem, and methods to resolve it are necessary.
سيده سليل ضيائي, فريبا زراني, فرشته موتابي, حسين کارشکي, شهريار شهيدي,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (11-2016)
Aim and Background: The present study evaluated the psychometric properties of the Anticipatory Social Behaviours Questionnaires (ASBQ) (Hinrichsen & Clark, 2003) in a student sample. Methods and Materials : The participants of the present study consisted of 460 students (280 women, 180 men) who answered the ASBQ and 284 students (198 women, 86 men) who completed the ASBQ, Social phobia and anxiety inventory (SPAI), Subtle Avoidance Frequency Examination (SAFE), Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN), and Social Phobia Scale (SPS). In addition, 55 socially anxious patients also answered the ASBQ. The independent sample t-test, multivariate analysis of variance, Pearson correlation, Cronbach’s alpha, and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were used for data analysis. Findings: In the determination of criterion validity, the Pearson correlation coefficient of the ASBQ score with the scores of the mentions questionnaires was significant. The CFA replicated the two-factor solution for the 12-item ASBQ. Discriminant validity using independent t-test and multivariate analysis of variance illustrated a significant difference in the ASBQ score and its subscales between the two groups of with and without social anxiety. Furthermore, the internal consistency of the ASBQ, based on Cronbach’s alpha, was high and acceptable and its test-retest reliability was also approved. Conclusions Hence, it seems that the Persian version of the ASBQ was a reliable and valid instrument for assessment of anticipatory social behaviors in our Iranian student sample.
رسول حشمتي,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (12-2016)
Aim and Background: Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ) has been designed to measur health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). The psychometric properties of the questionnaire were evaluated in different countries as it was used widely in CAD patient’s quality of life research. The aim of this research was to investigate normalization, reliability and validity of this questionnaire in Iran. Methods and Materials: Two hundred seventy nine patients with CAD were selected by convinience sampling method from Tehran Heart Center and asked to answer SAQ. Findings: Using exploratory factor analysis by principal components analysis and Varimax rotation, six factors were extracted, including physical limitations caused by light activity, physical limitations caused by heavy activity, treatment satisfaction, quality of life, the problem of angina and chest tightness, and obligation in taking medication. These factors explained 66.16% of items variance. In confirmatory factor analysis, the six-factor model of this questionnaire in Iranian population was more desirable than the five-factor model of the original scale. Cronbach’s alpha of this questionnaire was 0.77 showing an acceptable internal consistency. According to score distribution and T score, mean HRQOL score was about 61 in CAD patients with the cut off point of 82. Conclusions: SAQ is a valid and reliable instrument for assessing health related quality of life of patients with CAD, therefore it can be used in research and clinical settings in Iran.
آدیس کراسکیان موجمباری, فریده حقی عسگرآبادی, فرهاد جمهری,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (7-2017)
Aim and Background: The aim of this developmental study was to determine the reliability and validity of the Aging Perception Questionnaire (APQ) in the elderly in Tehran, Iran. Methods and Materials: To estimate the psychometric properties of the APQ, 502 individuals (373 subjects aged 60-80 years and 129 subjects aged 50-59 years, and 49.4% men and 50.6% women) in Tehran were selected using convenience sampling. The multidimensional APQ, which consists of two parts, was distributed among the subjects. The first part evaluates the viewpoint about increasing age (aging), and the second part evaluates the experiences related to changes in their health. Findings: Data analysis showed that the internal consistency of the APQ for the first part consisting of 32 items was 0.82 and for the second part consisting of 17 items was 0.88. In addition, the internal consistency of each subscale ranged between 0.63 and 0.81. The stability coefficient for the two parts of the questionnaire was assessed using test-retest over the period of 2 months and was found to be significant for all subscales (P < 0.01). To assess the construct validity, the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) using principal components (PC) analysis was used. The sampling adequacy in the two parts was, respectively, 0.871 and 0.728, and the significance of Bartlett test indicated appropriate conditions for factor analysis. Based on these findings, the first part of the APQ was saturated with 7 factors and in total explained 50.24% of the total variance. The second part in the single-factor structure in terms of determination of the experiences of health-related changes was valid that explains about 36.21% of the total variance under these conditions. The significant correlation between scores of APQ components and subscales of the Quality of Life Questionnaire (P < 0.01) represented the criterion-referenced validity of the questionnaire. Conclusions: The findings showed that the APQ had appropriate reliability and validity for assessing perceptions of aging in Iranian elderly.
فرهاد تنهای رشوانلو, ابوالفضل سعادتی, مرضیه ترکمنی, سیاوش طالعپسند,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (8-2017)
Aim and Background: The present study aimed to examine the psychometric properties of Multiple Sclerosis Intimacy and Sexuality Questionnaire (MSISQ-15) in a sample population of Iranian patients. Methods and Materials: This was a descriptive-correlational study with a population of patients afflicted with multiple sclerosis from North Khorasan provinces, Iran. A number of 92 patients (46 women and 36 men) were chosen as the sample population. Patients with multiple sclerosis referred to the Multiple Sclerosis Society of North Khorasan during two months were selected using convenience sampling method, and completed the Multiple Sclerosis Intimacy and Sexuality Questionnaire-15 (MSISQ-15), Multiple Sclerosis Intimacy and Sexuality Questionnaire-19 (MSISQ-19), and Sexual Partner Intimacy Scale. The collected data were analyzed through exploratory factor analysis, Cronbach’s alpha, split-half method, Pearson correlation, and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). Findings: The analysis of the main factors with a promax rotation and a variance of 70.55 supported 3 factors of the main ones. The positive correlation between sub-scales of MSISQ-15 and MSISQ-19 was indicative of convergent validity. Of the other hands, the negative correlation pattern in the MSISQ-15 dimensions with the Sexual Partner Intimacy Scale was indicative of divergence validity. Finally, the Cronbach’s Alpha with a range of 0.88-0.89 for the MSISQ-15 dimensions, and the 0.92 quotient for the entire scale indicated the positive reliability of the questionnaire. Conclusions: The Multiple Sclerosis Intimacy and Sexuality Questionnaire (MSISQ-15) enjoyed an appropriate reliability and validity in with multiple sclerosis from North Khorasan provinces in Iran.
امراله ابراهیمی, پیمان میرشاهزاده, حمید افشار زنجانی, پیمان ادیبی, علی حاجیهاشمی, حمید نصیری دهسرخی,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (7-2018)
Aim and Background: Somatic symptom is one of the prevalent complaints in patients with psychiatric disorders and in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders -5 th Edition (DSM-5) is mentioned as somatic symptom disorder (SSD). In order to assess somatic complaints, validated scales are required. The aim of the present study was preparation of Persian version and determination of factor structure (as one of the psychometric properties) of Screening for Somatoform Symptoms-7 (SOMS-7) scale in Iranian samples. Methods and Materials: This psychometric study was conducted in Psychosomatic Research Center of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran, and included 100 patients with anxiety/mood disorders. All participants were asked to complete SOMS-7 and Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ). Validity was confirmed by correlational method, and factor analysis and external and internal reliability were confirmed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient and re-test method. Factor analysis was performed by exploratory and confirmatory method. Data were analysed via SPSS software. Findings: Internal consistency of SOMS-7 was obtained 0.92 using Cronbach's alpha and reliability was obtained 0.70 via re-test method in two weeks interval. Factor analysis showed an appropriate two-factor structure in patients. The correlation of these two factors with somatic scale of PHQ was obtained 0.51 and 0.59, respectively, and revealed the construction validity as well as convergent validity. Conclusions: Findings indicate that Persian version of SOMS-7 has suitable reliability and validity for assessment of SSD and also evaluation of treatment effects in these patients.
Samadieh Hadi , Kareshki Hossein , Farhad Tanhaye Reshvanloo , Mahdi Arkhudi Ghalenoei ,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (8-2019)
Aim and Background: It is essential to development an accurate scale for the evaluation of emotion regulation strategies that not only integrates different important strategies into a unified multidimensional questionnaire but also complements the existing measures. The aim of this research was the evaluation of Psychometric properties Heidelberg form for emotion regulation strategies. Methods and Materials: The design of this study was testing and correlation. Statistical population of this research was all students in University of Birjand in the first year of undergraduate of 2017-2018 academic years. 301 students were selected by cluster sampling method among them. Data were collected by using Heidelberg form for Emotion Regulation Strategies (HFERST) and Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ). To determine the Inner consistency of HFERST, Cronbach's alpha and Split-halves coefficient and to determine its validity, Content validity, EFA, CFA and Convergent validity were used. Findings: The results of exploratory factor analysis showed that the scale had a good six-factor structure that explained 55.53% of the variance. Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed this structure. The internal consistency of sub-scales was obtained with the Cronbach's alpha in the desired range. The results of Convergent validity indicated that there was a positive and significant correlation between HFERST dimensions including reappraisal, acceptance and experience suppression with Positive refocusing, positive reappraisal and acceptance of CERQ. Conclusions: The results of statistical analysis showed that the Persian version of Heidelberg Form for Emotion Regulation Strategies has acceptable psychometric properties and can be used as a reliable tool in the Iranian population.
Saharsadat Sayedmousavipaske, Ali Fathiashtiani, Emad Ashrafi,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (7-2020)
Aim and Background: The burden of caring for the mentally ill is effective as an important factor in maintaining the patient in the community. There is no specific measurement tool for assessing and measuring this issue in schizophrenic patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Schizophrenia Caregivers Questionnaire.
Methods and Materials: The design of the present study was descriptive-correlational. About 147 caregivers of schizophrenia patients admitted to Roozbeh Psychiatric Hospital and the Family Support Organization of Schizophrenia patients in Tehran were selected as a sample. Three questionnaires of schizophrenia caregivers, quality of life questionnaire and positive and negative symptoms questionnaire were used to collect data. Data were analyzed using Cronbach's alpha, correlation coefficient and heuristic factor analysis.
Findings: In exploratory factor analysis, six factors (caregiver ability, interpersonal relationships, independence, social status, caregiver concern and caregiver fatigue) were extracted. In total, these six factors were able to explain 70.7% of the variance of the 32 questions of this questionnaire. The internal consistency of the subscales was also obtained with Cronbach's alpha in the desired range. The Varimax rotating matrix showed that all questions were usable.
Conclusions: The results of statistical analysis show that the schizophrenia patient care burden questionnaire has acceptable psychometric properties and can be used as a valid tool (with a validity coefficient of 0.67) in the Iranian population.
Miss Azam Shahmohammadi Ghahsareh, Ahmad Abedi, Flor Khayatan, Asghar Aghaei,
Volume 19, Issue 2 (8-2021)
Aim and Background: Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD) is one of the mood disorders of the fifth edition of the mental disorder’s diagnosis. This disorder begins in the childhood and causes many problems for parents, teachers, friends, and children themselves. This disorder, which is associated with social problems, is also very debilitating. The present study was conducted with the aim of constructing and initial reliability of the disruptive mood dysregulation disorder scale.
Methods and Materials: The method of this research is descriptive and instrument making; while its statistical population is all parents of children aged 6-12 year in Isfahan in the year 1397. Statistical samples included 300 people which were selected by available sampling. To collect the data for evaluation of this disorder, the researcher-made Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder Scale (DMDDS) was used. To examine the scale items, quantitative and qualitative content reliability, quantitative and qualitative nominal reliability, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) with varimax rotation, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and Cronbach's alpha coefficient were used.
Findings: Based on the parameters of impact coefficient index above 1.5, content reliability index above 0.62, reliability ratio above 0.70, and the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis’s, 24 scale items were kept in the instrument. Considering an eigenvalue above 1, four factors of impulsivity, performance, mood, and frustration were extracted. According to the obtained results, the four factors of this scale were able to predict 50.80% of the changes in the total scale. Also, a total scale reliability coefficient of 0.894 was obtained by Cronbach's alpha method.
Conclusions: Based on the results of this study, the content reliability index as well as the nominal and structural scale which are designed for the parents, are acceptable and can be used to evaluate the disruptive mood dysregulation disorder in children aged 6-12 year.