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Showing 3 results for Psychometric Properties.

محمود حيدري, محمد کريم خداپناهي, محسن دهقاني,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (2-2010)

Aim and Background: Self-handicapping has been defined as a strategic manipulation of a situation in a way that an individual can claim that obstacles to his/her performance account for a possible failure. Research has shown that some people behave in a way to create impediments to successful achievement, especially when this is important to them. To the best knowledge of authors only one validated scale is developed for measurement of this behavior and that its psychometric properties have not been examined in Iran. As such, the aim of this study is to introduce the scale and evaluate its psychometric properties. Method and Materials: This research is a descriptive-correlational study with a cluster random sample of 650 undergraduate students from Shahid Beheshti University. Original SH scale (25 items) and Rosenberg Self-esteem Inventory (10 items) were administered. Collected data were analyzed using Pearson correlation, Chronbach Alpha, and exploratory factor analysis. Findings: Exploratory factor analysis supported a 3-factor (23 items from 25 original items) solution named as "negative mood" (NM), "effort" (E), and "excuse making" (EM). Base on the theory, sum score of "negative mood" & recoded "effort" composes behavioral self-handicapping, and sum score of "negative mood" and "excuse making" reflexes claimed self-handicapping. Chronbach’s Alpha for the factors ranged from 0.60 to 0.72 and was 0.77 for the total scoreale. Test retest reliability was 0.84, supporting the reliability of the scale. Correlation between self-handicapping & self-esteem inventory was found to be -0.54 which provides further support for the validity of the scale. Conclusions: A 23-item self-handicapping scale was psychometrically evaluated in a student population. This version of the scale called "SHS-IR", shows satisfactory psychometric properties. Further research is needed to examine its application in different populations.
وحيده لامعي, سعيده لامعي, حسن يعقوبي, علي محمدزاده,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (4-2014)

Abstract Aim and Background: The Zuckerman &ndash; Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire is an instrument measuring personality traits. It is designed according to Zuckerman&rsquo;s Alternative Five Factor Personality Model (FFM). The present research aimed at investigating the psychometric properties of a version of the Zuckerman &ndash; Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire which contains 50 items. Method and Materials: The research design was descriptive correlational. The sample, including 508 individuals (308 females and 200 males), were selected and tested via stratified random sampling from among the students of Azerbaijan Shahid Madani University. To analyze the factor structure of the questionnaire, exploratory factor analysis method was used and its principal components were examined. Discriminant and Concurrent validity and Test-Retest reliability, Alpha Cronbach, Split-Half and ICC (Intraclass Correlation Coefficient) were&nbsp; also used. &nbsp; Findings: Questionnaire&rsquo;s Test-Retest reliability coefficient&nbsp; proved to be 0.79. Alpha Cronbach, Split-Half coefficient, and ICC proved to be 0.64, 0.68 and 60/0 (p<0.000) respectively. The five following factors were extracted via exploratory factor analysis with Varimax Rotation: Neuroticism &ndash; Anxiety, Sensation Seeking, Activity, Sociability and Aggression &ndash; Hostility. Concurrent Validity of the Questionnaire has been studied through correlational analysis with EPQ. The Results demonstrated a correlation between ZKPQ-50-CC and EPQ. The result of discriminant validity demonstrated that ZKPQ and its factors (except the Activity factor) could thoroughly distinguish those who obtained high mark from those who obtained low mark in N,E,P factors of Eysenck&#039;s questionnaire. Conclusions: The Results indicate that the Zuckerman &ndash; Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire (ZKPQ-50-CC) enjoys desirable psychometric properties in Iranian society and can be used in psychological researches.
Farhad Tanhaye Reshvanlo, Ali Akbar Soleimanian,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (4-2014)

Aim and Background: The purpose of the present study was to examine the psychometric properties of Multiple Sclerosis Self-Efficacy Scale (MSSS) in a sample population of Iranian patients.
Methods and Materials: This research is a descriptive- correlational study with a population of patients afflicted with MS from North Khorasan and Hamedan provinces. A number of 120 patients, who had referred to the North Khorasan and Hamadan MS Associations at an interval of two months, were chosen as the sample population and completed the Multiple Sclerosis Self-Efficacy Scale (MSSS) and Depression, Anxiety, Stress scale (DASS-21). The data collected was analyzed through factor analysis, Cronbach’s Alpha, Guttmann Split half Quotient and Pearson Correlation, in SPSS17.
Findings: The analysis of the main factors with a Promax rotation and a variance of 71.11 supported 3 factors of the main four ones. The negative correlation pattern in the Multiple Sclerosis Self-efficacy dimensions with the sub-scales of Depression and Anxiety at DASS Scale was indicative of divergence validity. Finally, the Cronbach’s Alpha with a range of 0.78- 0.90 for the Multiple Sclerosis Self-efficacy dimensions and the 0.86 quotient for the entire scale indicated the positive reliability of the scale.
Conclusions: The Multiple Sclerosis Self-efficacy Scale (MSSS) enjoyed an appropriate reliability and validity in MS Patients of North Khorasan and Hamedan provinces.

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