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Showing 2 results for Extroversion

مجید محمود علیلو, شهریار رزمی, فاطمه نعمتی سوگلی تپه,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (7-2009)

Background & Aim: Although socio-economic variables are widely used for describing the tourist&#039;s behavior, but increasing awareness is evident in current researches that personality characteristics might also be useful for that purpose. In this regard, the present study compares the personality characteristics of Iranian tourists with those of non tourists. Method and Materials: In a causal comparative study, 150 tourists and 150 non tourists were selected through an accessible sampling method. They were then administered NEO- Five Factor Inventory and of Zuckerman&#039;s Sensation Seeking Scale-Form V (SSS-V). Data were analyzed using independent t-student test and MANOVA. Results: The findings indicated that the two groups were significantly different regarding the sensation seeking, extroversion and openness characteristics (P < 0.0001). However, no significant difference was found between the two groups regarding other personality characteristics (i.e. neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness). Conclusion: The findings provide empirical support for the proposition that personality characteristics may influence tourism.  
حميد بهرامي‌زاده, هادي بهرامي احسان,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (7-2013)

Aim and Background: Using a correlational method, the present research was done to study the inter-relations between early maladaptive schemas and five main factors of personality traits. Method and Materials: The statistical population consisted of bachelor&rsquo;s, master&rsquo;s, and doctoral degrees students of the University of Tehran from which a sample group of 200-subject (100 males and 100 females) was selected through available sampling method. Young Schema Questionnaire-Short Form (YSQ-SF) and revised Five-Factor Inventory of personality (NEO-FFI) questionnaires were used as the tools of the study while Pearson correlation and canonical correlation tests were used for the data analysis. Findings: The findings suggested that personality trait of neuroticism and maladaptive schema of abandonment/instability had the most prominent role in the first canonical root. Maladaptive schema of social isolation/alienation and personality trait of agreement, and maladaptive schema of mistrust/abuse and personality trait of conscientiousness had the most prominent role in the second and third canonical roots, respectively. Conclusions: According to results, it can be concluded that there was a statistically significant convergence and overlap between the early maladaptive schemas and personality dimensions.

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