Showing 19 results for Autism
سيد بدرالدّين نجمي,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (2-2011)
The concept of theory of mind (ToM) refers to the ability to predict and explain feelings, thoughts, ideas and intentions of self and others. Patients with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) show a deficient development of theory of mind. Specifically, individuals with autism spectrum disorders fail to understand not only that others have minds, but also that other minds have different thoughts, and that behavior is determined by mental states. Individuals with ASD have marked difficulties to infer their own and other persons' mental states, what has been referred to as theory of mind. It has also been claimed that a person with autism spectrum disorders in part fail to respond appropriately to the emotional experiences of others These results show that although children with autism spectrum disorders can learn a simple discrimination between two identities, adaptive face-coding mechanisms are severely compromised, offering a new explanation for previously reported face-perception difficulties and possibly for some of the core social deficits in autism spectrum disorders. The author’s propose that the prefrontal cortex is involved in theory of mind; also, internal simulation mechanisms, such as the mirror neuron system, are necessary for normal development of recognition, imitation, theory of mind, empathy, and language. Additionally, the authors suggest that dysfunctional simulation mechanisms may underlie the social and communicative deficits seen in individuals with autism spectrum disorders.
آمنه دقيقي خداشهري, کامبيز پوشنه, امير همايون جعفري,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (9-2012)
Background and Aims: This research evaluated the effects of humanoid robots on improvement of eye contact in autistic children. Methods and Materials: This research used a multiple baseline, single-subject design with control to test 5 autistic children (2 girls and 3 boys) in Tehran during 2010. The children aged 7 to 9 years and were tested by Gilliam Autism Rating Scales (GARS) to ensure the presence of substantial autistic symptoms. A semi-automatic humanoid robotic doll with remote control was used in this study. A short scenario was designed for the primary experimental sessions before the main test. The scenario was established by 3 pilot sessions on an autistic child. We observed children for 15 sessions. The experimental sessions were held twice a week for 7 weeks. Each session lasted for 30 minutes, i.e. 15 minutes for eye contact between robot-human and 15 minutes to observe human-human eye contact development. All sessions were recorded by two cameras and finally rated by independent observers based on the number of seconds of human-human eye contact in each session. Findings: The results showed that the duration of eye contact increased during the course of 15 sessions. This change could have been resulted from the effect of the independent variable . Conclusion: Robots have been shown to be a catalyst to improve some skills in autistic children. However, they need to be further studied in order to be effectively employed as a therapeutic intervention. In addition, many children may require extensive therapy for years to improve their behavior and facilitate integration in society.
وحيد نجاتي, مريم تاجميررياحي, روح الله منصوري سپهر, سميرا گلپايگاني,
Volume 11, Issue 6 (2-2014)
Absrtact Aim and Background: Autistic traits may present in normal population without interfering with daily functionings. The present investigation is to find factor structure and validation of Broad Autism Phenotype Questionaire (BAPQ) and comparing psychometric structures of it with Autsim Quotient (AQ). Methods and Materials: In this correlational study, 351 students in Shahid Beheshti University completed two questionnaires of Autism Phenotype Questionaire (BAPQ) and Autsim Quotient (AQ) which are designed to assess autistic traits in normal population. Exploratory factor analysis was used for evaluation of validity. Chronbach Alpha, split half and test-retest methods were used for evaluation of reliability. Findings: Exploratory analysis showed 4 factors for BAPQ which totally explained 37 percent of the overall variance of the data . Two subsets of BAPQ questionnaire (pragmatic language and rigid personality) plus its overall score and two subscales of AQ (imagination and communication) plus its overall score are able to differentiate between two sexes which shows high discriminant validity of these scales. Chronbach alpha shows reliability of 82 percent for BAPQ questionnaire. Conclusions: Based on the findings, BAPQ is a better scale regarding validity and reliability and also has better discriminant validity of two sexes. Future research is suggested to use this questionnaire.
طیبه تازیکی, سعید حسن زاده, غلامعلی افروز, باقر غباری بناب, سوگند قاسم زاده,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (7-2014)
Abstract: Aim and Background: Autism spectrum disorder is a complex childhood neurological disorder that affects all aspects of child development. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of an intervention program using animals to improve cognitive, social, behavioral functioning , and communication in children with autism spectrum disorders. Methods and Materials: 14 children with autism were selected and randomly divided into two groups: experimental and control and before and after the intervention program l Autism Treatment Evaluation check list (ATEC) was completed by mothers. Findings: In order to analyze the test data, Multivariable analyses of covariance ( MANCOVA ) was used. all variables, cognitive functioning , social, communication and behavioral were meaningfully P<0.001 found. Conclusions: Since the decline of the all subscales score indicates improvement in ATEC test , thus, according to the completed checklists by mothers, animal assisted therapy could greatly enhance the cognitive functioning , social, communication and behavioral and have a positive impact among children with autism spectrum.
پديده کريمي, سيد محمد موسوي, الهه کمالي, منصور صالحي, مژگان کاراحمدي,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (7-2014)
Abstract Autism is a developmental disability with age of onset in childhood (under 3 years old), which is characterized by definite impairments in social interactions, abnormalities in speech and stereotyped pattern of behaviors. Due to the progress of autism in recent decades, a wide range of studies have been done to identify the etiological factors of autism. It has been found that genetic and environmental factors are both involved in autism pathogenesis. Hence in this review article, a set of environmental factors involved in the occurrence of autism has been collected and finally some practical recommendations for reduction the risk of this devastating disease in children are represented.
سيد محمد موسوي, الهه کمالي, پديده کريمي, منصور صالحي, مژگان کاراحمدي,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (12-2015)
Abstract Aim and Background: Recent studies on autism, as the most important diseases in the autism spectrum disorders, emphasize the slight role of genome in causing autism compared to earlier estimates, and the leading role of environmental factors such as prenatal maternal stress in developing autism, mainly due to its high potential of perverting the neurodevelopment of embryo. Methods and Materials: In order to assess this hypothesis in Iran, some mothers of autistic children were compared with mothers of healthy children in terms of quantity, quality and timing of exposure to 45 stressful events in a 15-month period (6 months before pregnancy to the moment of birth). In addition, dividing these stressful events into two groups of genome-dependent events) events resulting from gene-environment interactions such as divorce and addiction) and genome-independent events (purely environmental events such as war and earthquake), their prevalence was separately scrutinized and compared among patient and control families. Findings: According to the results of this study, the severity and frequency of exposure to stress among mothers of autistic children were significantly greater than that of control mothers (p=0.000). Although the child’s risk of autism increases significantly with the increase of maternal stress during 4-7 months (14-32 weeks) of pregnancy, the results of this study showed that the increased maternal stress during 2-3 months (5-13 weeks) of pregnancy leads to a significant increase in the severity of autism (p<0.05). Conclusions: However, although the present study consistent with recent findings in the fields of epigenetics and gene-environment interactions can reinforce the possible role of severe and scheduled prenatal stresses in autism, it does not deny the necessity of a prospective and wider study in Iran.
الهام توکلي, ژانت هاشمي آذر, غلامرضا صرامي,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (12-2015)
Abstract Aim and Background: The current research was evaluated the effectiveness of basic facial emotional expression’s training on recognition of basic emotions in high function autistic children. Methods and Materials: The method was quasi-experimental and used pre-test and post-test design. The target samples were five 5-8 high functioning autistic children who were selected from a clinic of autistic children according to DSM-IV-TR criterions. The training included 3 times a week, twelve 20 minutes sessions that trained six basic emotional expressions. Findings: The results show improvement in performance of participants in recognizing basic emotions. Conclusions: The training improved participant’s recognition of emotions especially emotions of happiness, sadness and anger but not about hate and fear. Thus it is recommended to use emotion’s training as a part of autistic children’s program.
مجتبي گشول, فريدون يارياي, جعفر حسني,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (12-2015)
Abstract Introduction: Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder comprised of deficits in communication and social skills and the occurring of rituals and stereotypies. The purpose of this study was to assess effectiveness of Directed interaction between Students with high-functioning autism with peers and teachers in ordinary schools on reduction of the impairment in social skills, communication skills and stereotypical behavior of these students. Method: During a single subject design By Mark A-B Along with the 3-months follow-up, Three Participants (one child and two adolescences) selected through convenient sampling among 16 student of Esfahan Autism Center. These students went to school with Coach. GARS test was used for measurement of effectiveness of Intervention. Wineland Social Maturity Scale, Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnostic test, and Autism Spectrum Disorder-Comorbid test was used for description of Participants. Intervention was performed 14 weeks in one elementary school, one secondary school and one vocational school. Results: Data analysis using 3 effective sizes Consists of percentage of non-overlapping data as the main effects, Percent recovery, and percentage scores decreased as Minor effect size. Visual analysis that using Excel and paint software charts, Showed that percentage of non-overlapping data For social communication 3 participants was 0/75, 0/75, 0/50 and 0/100, 0/100. 0/75 for Social Skills defect and 0/25,0/50 and 0/0 for stereotypical behavior. Conclusion: It seems that Directed interaction between Autism's student with peers and teachers in ordinary schools is effective on reducing the impairment of social skills and communication skills. It is recommended that further research to be conducted using the observation method to assess the effectiveness of directed interaction for autistic students.
سيد جعفر احمدي, مجتبي گشول, طيبه صفري, منصوره همتيان, زهرا خليلي,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (11-2016)
Aim and Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the use of computers on learning prerequisite mathematical concepts and other cognitive concepts among children with autism. Methods and Materials: This was a quasi-experiment study with pretest and posttest and control group. The study population included 60 children with autism who were 6 to 14 years of age, and recieving training in the Isfahan Autism Center, Iran. From among them, 16 children were randomly selected and were matched based on the severity of their autistic symptoms. The subjects were randomly assigned to two control and experimental groups (n = 8). The participants in the experimental group received 6 months of intervention with the use of computers and applied behavior analysis (ABA) method. The control group only underwent the ABA. Subjects were evaluated in terms of comprehension of prerequisite mathematical and cognitive concepts using the researcher-made checklist. Data were analyzed using ANCOVA. Findings : A significant difference was observed between the two groups in terms of cognitive and prerequisite mathematical concepts (P = 0.009 and P = 0.001, respectively) in the posttest. Conclusions: It seems that the use of computers in combination with ABA method is effective in prerequisite mathematical and cognitive concepts learning among children with autism.
احمد احمدي, احمد بهپژوه,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (12-2016)
Aim and Background: Sensorimotor difficulties, including abnormalities in muscle tone, gross and fine motor skills, balance, and motor coordination, are common co-occurring symptoms in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and influence different aspects of their lives. The purpose of this study was to identify the effectiveness of sensorimotor exercises on improvement of motor functioning and ASD symptoms. Methods and Materials: In this quasi-experimental study, from among autistic children in Tehran, 2 autistic children were selected through non-random convenience sampling technique to participate in the study. Data were collected using multiple baseline design, and through the Lincoln-Oseretsky Motor Development Scale and Gilliam Autism Rating Scale (GARS). After observation of a relatively stable baseline, the 7-part intervention plan, including body awareness, motor programming, bilateral motor integration, balance skills, fine motor coordination, functional vision skills, and oral-motor skills, was implemented. The data were analyzed using visual analysis, effect size, and inferential statistics including t-test. Findings: Results of t-test, effect size and visual analysis revealed a significant difference between baseline and treatment conditions. The mean scores of motor skills increased and mean scores of stereotypic behaviors decreased (P < 0.05). Conclusions: The findings indicate that motor performance and stereotypic behaviors of children with ASD improved with sensorimotor exercises. However, no significant changes were observed in the social interaction and communication skills of the children.
فرشته شکيبايي, فتانه فرخپور, محمدرضا مرآثي,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (2-2017)
Aim and Background: Autism is a complex disorder in social relations development and its etiology remains unknown. It is still not clear whether the cause is genetic (X-linked) or environmental. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of dermatoglyphic patterns in patients with autism and compare them with their first-degree relatives and controls. Methods and Materials: This case-control study was conducted on 150 patients with autism, 150 individuals in the control group, and 150 first-degree relatives of patients. After obtaining informed consents from the participants, the frequency distribution of fingerprint patterns (including loop, whorl, and arch), finger ridge count (FRC), and secondary creases (SC) were assessed in the three groups. The collected data were analyzed using ANOVA and chi-square tests in SPSS software. Findings: The results showed that the frequency of the loop pattern in the control group (3.79%) was twice that in the group of patients with autism (44%) (P < 0.001). Mean right and left hand FRC in the patients with autism was higher than the other two groups (patients and relatives), while the mean right and left hand SC in these patients was lower than the other two groups and this difference was statistically significant (P < 0.001). Conclusions: Patients with autism had reduced loop pattern and increased FRC and reduced SC in both hands compared to the control group. These findings suggest that autism has a genetic background that is intensified by prenatal events and other environmental stressors. Therefore, these templates can be used to detect the percentage of infants born with autism, further measures can be taken for a definitive diagnosis, and treatment can be given from the beginning.
امير قمراني, عليرضا محسني اژيه,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (4-2017)
Aim and Background: Raising a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) results in many psychological problems for family members, especially mothers. The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of transdiagnostic treatment method on anhedonia and gelotophobia (the fear of being laughed at) in mothers of children with ASD. Methods and Materials: The statistical population included all mothers of children with ASD in the city of Isfahan, Iran. Sampling was conducted through convenience sampling from among mothers who had obtained the highest scores in anhedonia and gelotophobia (a SD of higher than the mean scores of the group). As a result, 40 individuals were selected, and then, divided randomly into control and experimental groups. The Snaith-Hamilton Pleasure Scale (SHPS) and the Fear of Being Laughed at Scale were used to collect data. The data were analyzed using MANCOVA in SPSS software. Findings: The results indicated that transdiagnostic treatment is effective on the components of anhedonia including social interaction, sensory experience, eating and drinking, interest/pastimes, and gelotophobia (P ≤ 0.05). Conclusions: The findings of the present study indicated that transdiagnostic treatment can be an effective educational program for reducing anhedonia and gelotophobia in mothers of individuals with ASD.
احمد منصوري, نعیما کروژده,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (10-2017)
Aim and Background: Illness and disability in children is a major source of distress for parents, especially mothers. It frequently endangers their health and well-being. Therefore, the aim of present study was to investigate the effectiveness of the acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on the intolerance of uncertainty, worry and insomnia in mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder. Methods and Materials: In a quasi-experimental study, with pre and posttest and control groups, 16 mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder were selected by available sampling method and then randomly designed into two experimental and control groups. The experimental group participated in 8 sessions of ACT, while the control group was not in any treatment. The participants completed Penn-State worry questionnaire (PSWQ), intolerance of uncertainty scale (IUS) and insomnia severity index (ISI). Data were analyzed by SPSS software, using multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA). Findings: Intolerance of uncertainty (P = 0.001), worry (P = 0.001) and insomnia (P = 0.001) average scores in the experimental group were significantly decreased in comparison with the control group at post-treatment. Conclusions: ACT might be an efficient way to decrease intolerance of uncertainty, worry and insomnia in mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder. Also, therapists can use this therapeutic approach for improving intolerance of uncertainty, worry and insomnia in mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder.
Amirhossein Dabirvaziri , Maryam Tehranizadeh ,
Volume 16, Issue 4 (5-2018)
Aim and Background: The autism spectrum disorder is increasing in all parts of the world, so that in 2018, one in every 59 people with autism is reported. Given the importance of adaptive behavior in everyday life at home and at school, as well as social costs and care during their lives, the importance of early diagnosis in autism is highlighted, thereby improving cognitive, adaptive behavior and reducing the severity of autism.
Methods and Materials: The sample consists of 170 children, 100 autistic children and 70 healthy and juvenile children. Using a perception multi-layer neural network, a clinical decision support system was designed to predict autism based on signs and symptoms.
Findings: The average accuracy of the neural network design was 96.11% after performing 10, as a result of a carefully designed system; it could be a reliable assistant and supporter of this area for the diagnosis of autistic children.
Conclusions: The mean age of diagnosis of autism is 4 years and 4 months (52 months), which does not significantly differ with gender, race, and ethnicity. Therefore, the design of the clinical decision support system in this study for a range of 3 to 6 years old can be used as an important, necessary and reliable screening tool to prevent delay in early diagnosis and intervention.
Maryam Samadi, Amir Ghamarani, Salar Faramarzi,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (10-2019)
Aim and Background: Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder. Recent research in this area has focused on cognitive deficits such as future thinking and PASS processes (Planning, Attention, Simultaneous, and Successive) in this group of individuals, in addition to diagnostic symptoms. It seems these deficits can explain the behavioral symptoms of the disorder. Therefore, present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of pivotal response treatment on future thinking and PASS processes of children with autism spectrum disorder.
Methods and Materials: The research design was quasi-experimental with pretest, posttest and follow up with control group. The study population included all children 8-6 years old with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder in Isfahan. The sample included 20 students with high-functioning autism selected through convenience sampling and divided into experimental and control groups. The experimental group participated in a 20- session’s intervention, 2 sessions per week. The Cognitive Assessment System (CAS), trip task, Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ) were used for data collection. Two months after the end of the intervention, both groups were followed up using CAS and trip task.
Findings: The scores of Future thinking and cognitive processes (planning) were significantly improved in the experimental group, compared to the control group.
Conclusions: This study shows promising results for pivotal response treatment as an intervention for improving cognitive components in children with autism spectrum disorder and suggest that cognitive components are malleable through implementation of pivotal response treatment.
Arash Shahriyari, Alireza Aghaz,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (11-2020)
Aim and Background: Eating problems in children with autism spectrum disorders are more than their healthy counterparts and can negatively affect their health, communication and other disabilities. Maternal resilience and interactive style play a vital role in the health, behaviors and quality of life of these children. The aim of this study was to predict the eating problems of children with autism spectrum based on resilience and interactive style of their mothers.
Methods and Materials: This is a descriptive and correlational study. The statistical population of this study was children with autism spectrum disorders aged 4 to 7 years who referred to private rehabilitation centers in Tehran. The sample size of 90 people was selected by available sampling method. Data were collected using the Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire, Resilience Scale, and Child-Parent Relationship Scale. The data of this study were analyzed using SPSS software and Spearman correlation method.
Findings: Based on the findings, increasing maternal resilience reduced eating problems in children with autism spectrum disorders (p<0.01). In addition, increasing the quality of the parent-child relationship reduces eating problems in these children (p<0.05). Also, increasing the resilience of these mothers directly affects the quality of parent-child interaction (p<0.01). Maternal resilience can predict eating problems in children with autism spectrum disorder.
Conclusions: Resilience and communication style of mothers play a key role in the development of nutritional problems in children with autism spectrum disorders. It seems that by strengthening the parent-child relationship and mothers' resilience, the eating problems of these children can be reduced.
Somayeh Naserizadeh, Davood Taghvaei, Hossein Davoodi,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (12-2022)
Aim and Background: Autism disorders are neurodevelopmental disorders that are characterized by problems in communication and social interactions, behaviors, interests and limited and repetitive activities. The purpose of this research was to study Comparing the effectiveness of Anat Baniel's Method for Neuro -motor intervention and The Son- Rise Program on social interactions and stereotyped behavior of children with autism.Anat Baniel's Method is the Neuro -Movement therapy.
Methods and Materials: This research was a semi-experimental study with pre-test-post-test with control group design. The statistical population includes all children with autism in the age of 4-10 years who referred to the autism centers of Khomein in 2021. From the statistical population, the number of 30 children with autism disorder and the conditions of entry into the research were included in the study with the purposeful sampling method, then they were randomly divided into two experimental groups and a control group of 10 people in each group. GARS-2 test (Gilliam Autism Rating Scale) test was used to collect information as a pre-test and post-test. The data were analyzed using Shapiro-Wilk tests and multivariate covariance analysis at a significance level of 0.05.
Findings: The findings showed that there was a significant difference between the mean of stereotyped behavior (p<.001, η=.68) and social interaction (p= .001, η=.90) in the experimental and control groups. Also, the findings showed that the Son-Rise program is significantly more effective in improving the social interactions of children with autism disorder than anat baneil's neuro-motor intervention.
Conclusions: Evidence was found to support Anat Baniel's Method (ABM) of neuro-motor therapy and the Son-Rise program in the post-test have led to the reduction of stereotyped behavior and improvement of social interactions of children with autism disorder and the Son-Rise program has been more effective in improving the social interactions of these children
Adel Mohamadzade, Saeed Hasanzadeh, Mohsen Shokoohi-Yekta, Sogand Ghasemzadeh,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (12-2022)
Aim and Background: Because the deficiency of communication skills in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has a negative effect on the relationship between them and their parents, it seems necessary to use early interventions to improving the communication skills of these children. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of Hanen parent program on the parent-child relationship of families with children with ASD.
Methods and Materials: This study was pre- test/ post- test and follow up with control group design. The Statistical population of this study included all children with ASD (ages 3 to 7) that lived in Isfahan county. The research sample included 22 children and their parents that were selected by convenience sampling. These participants assigned in two groups of 11 people, the experimental group and the control group. Then, parents of the experimental group received Hanen parent program for 3 months and 2 sessions per week. At this time, the control group did not receive any intervention. The study data collected by the child- parent relationship scale- CPRS (Pianta, 1994). The repeated measures MANCOVA analysis was used to analysis of data.
Findings: The results showed efficiency of Hanen parent program on child- parent relationship and Subscales (conflicts, closeness and dependence) is significant in α= 0/05 level.
Conclusions: According to the results of the present study, Hanen parent program can be used to improve the quality of child- parent relationship in children with ASD and their parent by providing opportunities for parent training.
Fereshte Shakibaee, Bahareh Hateli,
Volume 21, Issue 1 (4-2023)
Aim and Background: Given the increasing prevalence of autism in all parts of the world and Iran, and that this disease in most cases is a severely debilitating disorder throughout a person's life. The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of risk factors associated with autism.
Methods and Materials: This cross-sectional study was performed on the population of patients with autism referred to autism centers in Isfahan in 2016. After entering the samples to study the risk factors questionnaire was completed by him. The collected data were described using descriptive statistics including frequency tables and theoretical indicators and dispersion, information and all statistical analysis was performed in SPSS software version 19.
Findings: The results of the study showed that the background and environmental factors include gender, date of birth, age of parents, family relationship of parents, education of parents, number of children and rank of children, place of residence during pregnancy, place of residence in the first year of birth, weight of mother before pregnancy. , mother suffering from high blood pressure during pregnancy, diabetes, smoking and alcohol consumption, antidepressant use, anticonvulsant use, terbutaline use to prevent premature birth, type of pregnancy method, contact with volatile solvents such as gasoline, toluene, contact with Lead, fish oil consumption and vitamin D levels before and during pregnancy were related to autism in children.
Conclusions: According to the findings of this study, it can be concluded that environmental factors can affect genetic and epigenetic factors in parents in the long run. This event highlights the role of environmental factors in causing autism spectrum disorders.