Showing 8 results for Adhd
بدرالدين نجمي,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (8-2007)
In the last 50 years, numerous methods of neuro-psychological assessment have been developed to fill in a gap in the medical diagnostics for locating brain lesions or functional deficits. ADHD is a common psychiatric disorder of the childhood which mainly presents with impulsivity and inattentiveness. It is a major focus of attention for neuropsychologists. One of the important etiological hypotheses of ADHD is the impaired function of the frontal cortex associated with slow metabolism and hypo perfusion as well as impairments in the normal connections between cortical and sub cortical structures. Despite a wide consensus over the associated neuropsychological deficits, there are a few related fields in which many inconsistencies still present. Examples include the differences related to sex and subtypes of the ADHD, the long-term maintenance of neuropsychological signs and symptoms and the efficacy of various treatment methods. To have a deep understanding, we need a more comprehensive picture of the neuropsychological profile of ADHD patients in various illness presentations.
مصطفي نجفي, رضوان بت شکن, سيدرضا ميرمهدي,
Volume 11, Issue 5 (11-2013)
Aim and Background: A child ADHD is one of the most common child psychiatric disorders. Lack of drug treatment of the before mentioned disorder may leads to various problems in children because of weight gain. Methods and Materials: Methodology used in this research is quasi-experimental intervention study which has done by using two experimental and control groups. Our research population was the boys and girls came to behavioral scientific center of Khorshid hospital in Esfahan. Our samples were selected from the children with ADHD problems based on the DS IM-TR criterion and definite diagnostics through clinical interview by child and adolescent psychiatrists (TR) with the age of 6 to 12 which were treated by risperidone with the dozes of 0.5,2 and 3 mg and they were at the beginning of their treatment. 60 persons were selected in a simple random method and divided into two groups and the basic weight evaluation, daily medical treatments, written suggestions for weight loss which has given to both groups. Moreover 8 hourly sessions were done twice a week for a period of one month for using Kinect-Xbox gaming console. After a one month interval, the weight for both groups were recorded and evaluated once more. Research data were analyzed with the use of covariance analysis. Findings: Effects of gaming console has succeeded to make weight loss in children as well as stopping to use these may lead to weight gain in them. for p<0.01.Considering the comparison between the 1st and 2nd month weight measurement in experiment group which were less than the amounts were recorded for the control group and the comparison between 1st and 2nd month reveals that the weight of the 2nd month were more than the 1st month. Regarding to the secondary findings of sex and type characteristics, it was not made a meaningful different between two groups. Result: findings from this research reviles that gaming consoles have roles for controlling the procedure of changing weight with obese children with ADHD disorders because of using drug treatments.
احمد عليپور, مهتا خزيمه, محدثه کاکوجويباري,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (12-2015)
Abstract Aim and Background: The purpose of the current study is to examine the performance of children with and without AD/HD in time reproduction tasks involving varying durations and modalities. Methods and Materials: A group of 15 children with AD/HD from a pediatric psychiatric clinic and 15 normal children group from two schools in Mashhad were selected by using an ADHD rating scale and Conners’ parents scale. They performed time reproduction tasks in three modalities (auditory, visual, and combined auditory/visual condition) each during six durations (6, 12, 18, 24, 36, and 48 seconds). Findings: As expected, the ADHD group performed weaker in the time duration tasks. However, for varying modalities the performance of two groups weren’t meaningfully different. Furthermore, the difference in performance between two groups prolonged as temporal duration increased.Nevertheless, we observed no interaction between groups and modalities. Conclusions: For longer time durations the ADHD group performs less accurate than the other group. Still, the performance is not affected when the modality is changed.
سارا آقابابايي, سالار فرامرزي,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (12-2015)
Abstract Aim and Background: The studies show verbal and visual-spatial working memory deficits in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The aim of this research was to investigate working memory deficits in children with ADHD. Methods and Materials: The design of this research was ex post facto. Therefore, 60 children in 2 nd grade elementary (30 with and 30 without ADHD) were selected through simple random sampling. The instruments were Conner’s parental questionnaire, Clinical Interview, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) for assessing verbal working memory and Corsi Blocks Task for assessing visual-spatial working memory. Data were analyzed using spss-20 software by ANOVA method. Findings: The results showed that there is a significant difference between ADHD and normal children in terms of verbal and visual-spatial working memory (P≤0.001). Children with ADHD had lower performance in these components. Also, Means of working memory in ADHD group was lower than normal group. Conclusions: Children with ADHD had deficits in visual-spatial and verbal working memory. Therapists and counselors recommended to pay attention to this important matter and use training based on components of working memory in children with ADHD. For examples, activities including memorizing some number and word, memorizing Short poems for children can do in these children.
مصطفي نجفي, شهلا آکوچکيان, بهزاد مهکي, مريم رضايي, فريبا سادات طاهرپور,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (4-2017)
Aim and Background: Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can affect learning in children. Consideration of individual differences is an important factor in the education of children with ADHD. Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences is based on this principle. This study aimed to determine the effect of Inspiration software (a computer game) on changes in multiple intelligences in children with ADHD in Isfahan, Iran. Methods and Materials: This quasi-experimental study was conducted with pretest-posttest and a control group. The statistic population consisted of children of 6 to 13 years of age with ADHD. A total of 64 children (32 subjects in each group) were selected through convenience sampling method and were randomly divided into two groups of experimental and control. The research tool was the Multiple Intelligences Scale. The data were analyzed using ANCOVA. Findings: The results of paired t-test showed a significant difference between the intervention and control groups in terms of multiple intelligences scores of patients with ADHD in the posttest (P ≤ 0.05). The use of Inspiration software caused an increase in the multiple intelligences score of the experimental group compared to the control group in the posttest. Conclusions: This study showed that Inspiration softeware can increase the multiple intelligences score of patients with ADHD, and thus, the use of this method in conjunction with other therapy methods is recommended.
افسانه كرباسي عامل, سعيد کرباسي عامل,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (7-2017)
Aim and Background: Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common behavioral problem that causes hyperactivity, attention deficits, academic failure, and emotional and behavioral problems in preschool and elementary school. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of parent-based cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) on overweight and self-esteem in 6- to 11-year-old obese children with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder in Isfahan City, Iran. Methods and Materials: This quasi-experimental study was done on 40 children aged 6 to 11 years with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder and overweight or obesity (above the 85th percentile in weight for age, height, and sex diagram) referred to Isfahan child and adolescent psychiatric clinic of Ali Asghar hospital in 2015. For 20 subjects only attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder treatment was applied and they received no other intervention; but the others in experimental group participated in cognitive behavioral therapy sessions. Analysis tools were Coppersmith Self-Esteem Scale and the body mass index. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance with repeated measures. Findings: Cognitive-behavioral therapy by teaching parents had a significant effect on overweight in obese children with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder at post-test and follow-up. It had a significant effect on self-esteem among the obese children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder at post-test, too (P < 0.001). Conclusions: Parents-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy can be considered as a complementary treatment for reducing psychological symptoms and body mass index and also increasing self-esteem in obese children with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder.
Seyyedeh Afsoun Golestanehi, Masoud Mohammadi, Azam Davoodi, Najmeh Fath,
Volume 18, Issue 4 (1-2021)
Aim and Background: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a developmental neurological disorder characterized by several symptoms including impulsive behavior and inability to attention. To reduce such symptoms, it is necessary to use appropriate psychological therapies. Accordingly, the present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of mindfulness on behavioral inhibition, self-control, and high-risk behaviors in adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Methods and Materials: The study method was quasi-experimental with a pretest-posttest design including a control group and a three-month follow-up period. The statistical population of this study included adolescent boys aged 13 to 18, with ADHD who had been admitted to the social emergency of the city of Shiraz city in the year 2019. Thirty adolescents with ADHD were selected through psychiatric evaluation and the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) through convenience sampling after which they were randomly divided into experimental and control groups (with 15 individuals in each). The experimental group received mindfulness-based intervention during two and a half months which included ten 90-minute sessions while the control group did not experience training and remained on the waiting list. The questionnaires used in this study included the Go/No-Go test, the Tangney self-control questionnaire, and the Iranian adolescents’ risk-taking questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using the SPSS-26 software in two sections, namely descriptive (mean and standard deviation), and inferential (analysis of variance with repeated measures).
Findings: The results showed that mindfulness-based intervention had a significant effect on behavioral inhibition and increased self-control, and it reduces high-risk behavior in adolescents with ADHD (P<0/01).
Conclusions: Based on the results of the present study, it is safe to say that mindfulness-based therapy improved behavioral inhibition, increased self-control, and reduced high-risk behavior in adolescents with ADHD. Accordingly, this treatment is suggested to be used along with other approaches to reduce the symptoms of people with ADHD.
Mahnaz Nasiri, Farhad Ebizadeh,
Volume 22, Issue 1 (4-2024)
Aim and Background: Substance use disorders are one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. However, little is known about the effectiveness of treatment for patients with both diseases. Also, standard drug treatment has shown mostly negative outcomes. This study aimed to determine the effect of cognitive behavioral therapy on ADHD symptoms in men with substance use disorder.
Methods and Materials: This research is a semi-experimental study with a pre-test and post-test research design with experimental and control groups. The statistical population of the research consisted of people with substance use disorder with ADHD symptoms referring to the clinics of district 10 of Tehran. The sampling method was purposeful and based on the criteria for entering the research, 30 people were selected. To collect data, the individual clinical profile form, Structured Clinical Interview (SCID-V), Wechsler et al.'s Adult Self-report Scale of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ASRS) were used. In this research, data analysis was done in two parts, the first part was dedicated to descriptive findings, in which indicators such as mean, standard deviation, percentage and frequency were used. The second part was related to inferential findings, in this part, univariate covariance analysis was used in quantitative data and was used in SPSS version 26 software.
Findings The findings of the research showed that after controlling for the effect of the pre-test, the difference between the pre-test and post-test scores of the two groups for the variables of attention deficit and hyperactivity is significant, and the average scores of the experimental group in the variable of attention deficit and hyperactivity is also significantly lower than the control group (P<0.05).
Conclusions: The results of the present study show the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy on attention deficit and hyperactivity in men with substance use disorder.