Showing 8 results for Ansari
Shirin Ansari Moghadam , Hamid Poursharifi , Mohammad Reza Seirafi , Majid Valizadeh ,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (8-2019)
Aim and Background: One of the main concerns of health psychology is the follow-up of patients of treatment adherence. Lifestyle self-efficacy related to weight and psychological distress, are the factors that play important roles in explaining the rate of treatment adherence in obesity surgery. The purpose of this study was to determine the mediation role of treatment adherence in the relationship between weight-related lifestyle self-efficacy, psychological distress and weight loss in obese patients undergoing sleeve gastrectomy surgery method.
Methods and Materials: The research method was descriptive correlational and the statistical population included all obesity patients who had undergone sleeve gastrectomy surgery at the Endocrine and Metabolism Research Center and 200 of them were selected by available sampling method. Research instruments included Body Mass Index, Weight Efficacy Lifestyle Questionnaire, Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale- short form, and General Adherence Scale. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling method.
Findings: The results of this study showed that direct effect of self-efficacy on weight loss (P<0.01, β=0.169) and indirect effect treatment adherence (P<0.01, β=0.77) were significant. The direct effect of psychological distress on weight loss (P<0.05, β=-0.186) and indirect effect of psychosocial distress were significant (P<0.05, P=0.069).
Conclusions: It seems that self-efficacy reduces psychological distress by influencing the person and improving her resilience, leading to increased follow-up and weight loss.
Maryam Tat, Hassan Rezayi Jamaloei, Mostafa Khanzadeh, Mojtaba Ansari Shahidi, Dr Mehdi Taheri,
Volume 19, Issue 4 (1-2022)
Aim and Background: The present study was conducted to investigate the informational-motivational-behavioral structural model based on the role of impulsivity moderator among women with body mass index above 25.
Methods and Materials: The present study was a cross-sectional correlation of structural equations. The statistical population of the study was all women referring to diet centers, health centers and sports clubs in Isfahan in 2020-2021, from which 444 people were selected by multi-stage sampling method. A researcher-made information-motivational-behavioral questionnaire and Patton et al.'s (1959) impulsivity questionnaire were used to collect data. Amos software (24V-) was used for data analysis.
Findings: The results showed the moderating role of impulsivity in the mentioned model (X2/df = 3.46, GFI = 0.981, CFI = 0.977, RMSEA = 0.08, SRMR = 0.073, NFI = 0.970, TLI = 0.928 and AGFI= 0.924). In the three groups of low, medium and high impulsivity, health behavior was influenced by information. In the moderate impulsivity group, health behavior was influenced by motivation. In the three groups of low, medium and high impulsivity, health behavior was affected by behavioral skills. In individuals with low and high impulsivity, information had a significant indirect effect on health behavior through behavioral skills. In individuals with high impulsivity, motivation had a significant indirect effect on health behavior through behavioral skills.
Conclusions: The application of these structures such as information, motivation, behavioral skills and attention to levels of impulsivity can help researchers and therapists in the field to prevent obesity and even design appropriate treatments and good diets.
Mis Hajar Baratian, Majid Barekatain, Jafar Mehvari Habibabadi, Amrollah Ebrahimi, Mojtaba Ansari Shahidi,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (4-2022)
Aim and Background: Frontal lobe epilepsy (FLE) is associated with cognitive dysfunction that may adversely affect the quality of life (QoL) before and after surgery for epilepsy. This study aimed to find cognitive factors that may predict QoL in patients with FLE whose seizures had been controlled by surgery for epilepsy.
Methods and Materials: Twenty-four patients with FLE who underwent epilepsy surgery from June 2014 to June 2019 were recruited. The seizure outcome was assessed with modified Engel classification. All of the patients were assessed by Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised, Wechsler Memory Scale, Color Trails Test, Tower of London Test, Persian Aphasia Naming Test, and Persian Diagnostic Aphasia Battery. The QoL was evaluated with the QoL in Epilepsy Inventory with 89 items. Repeated measures analysis of variance and Generalized Linear Models (GLM) was used for statistical analysis.
Findings: The results showed that there was a significant difference between the scores of working memory (p = 0.01), general intelligence (p <0.001), and functional intelligence (p <0.001) before and after surgery. GLM regression model showed that color errors in part 2 of CTT by -18.43 and higher indexed scores of verbal memory by -1.28, both before surgery, predicted decreased total QOLIE score.
Conclusions: Working memory and executive functioning were neuropsychological factors that may predict QoL in after surgery for FLE.
Mahmoud Parchami Khoram, Saeed Imani, Dariush Ansari,
Volume 20, Issue 2 (9-2022)
Aim and Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between basic needs and psychological well-being with mediation of social networks addiction. Social networkks addiction is excessive dependence, strong motivation to log in or use, and spending a lot of time on social networks that harm other social activities, studies / jobs, interpersonal relationships, or mental health. Thus, in the last decade, the factors and consequences associated with problematic use of social networks have increased interest and empirical study in this area.
Methods and Materials: The statistical population in this study was people over 18 years old in Hamedan and Shiraz from which 396 people (170 male and 226 female) were selected by convenience sampling method. The instruments used in this study were the basic psychological needs scale (Gagné, 2033), social networks addiction (Panayides and Walker, 2012) and psychological well-being (Ryyf, 1989). Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient and path analysis.
Findings: The highest correlation coefficient among the basic needs was related to the need for relatedness with -0.64 and then the needs of autonomy and competence were -0.62 and -0.58, respectively. The correlation coefficient between social networks addiction and psychological well-being was -0.48. Also, the correlation coefficient of basic needs of autonomy, competence and relatedness with psychological well-being were 0.69, 0.60 and 0.66, respectively.
Conclusions: Frustration of basic needs can appear in the form of corrective methods and in the form of excessive use of social networks and pave the way for addictive use of these networks. Frustration of basic needs is also directly and indirectly associated with reduced psychological well-being.
Saide Elahedost, Mohamad Ansaripour, Ali Rabbani, Mahboubeh Hojati,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (12-2022)
Aim and Background: Obesity is one of the chronic diseases and health problems in all countries, which is related to behavioral factors. New studies show that food consumption and lifestyle patterns that lead to obesity are largely influenced by factors such as social networks, communication with family and friends, media, etc.
Methods and Materials: In this review article, to find documents related to the topic of the article, the author systematically reviewed the published background on the factors affecting obesity and the methods used in weight loss, and related studies in PubMed, Medline, Elsevier, google scholar IranDoc, Magiran, SID were used using related keywords such as: obesity, overweight, effective factors, in Farsi and obesity, overweight, determinant in English.
Findings: The results of the review of various published studies show that the behavioral factors affecting obesity are divided into three levels: individual, family and social. Effective factors at the individual level include religious beliefs, lifestyle, media and game consumption, education level, and food attitude. At the family level, it includes mother's employment, social support and family. At the community level, it includes social networks, modern culture, capitalism, school, physical environment of society, network of social relations and friends, social comparison, social class and social welfare. Strategies to control social factors affecting obesity at three individual levels (health belief-behavior model), family level (family-centered therapy, lifestyle modification in a health-oriented way) and community level (health-oriented space creation and advertising, community action, network-mediated control social activities, health promotion program, media and health culture, culture-oriented control measures and social marketing method).
Conclusions: According to the results, knowing the factors affecting obesity and using methods to control them is an effective solution in reducing overweight and obesity in the individual and social dimension.
Soheila Soleimany, Mostafa Khanzadeh, Mojtaba Ansari Shahidi,
Volume 21, Issue 3 (10-2023)
Aim and Background: Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a chronic and debilitating disorder characterized by recurrent and persistent thoughts and behaviors associated with anxiety. Considering show the importance and fundamental role of the family in the process of obsessive compulsive disorder in family members, the aim of this research is to compare the effectiveness of the acceptance and commitment therapy and mentalization based treatment on the conflict resolution strategies in the spouses of people with obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Methods and Materials: The research method was a semi-experimental method with a two-step process (pre-test, post-test) in three experimental groups (education group based on acceptance and commitment treatment, education group based on mentalization, control group). In this process, the independent variables are the acceptance and commitment treatment and also the mentalization treatment and dependent variable is the conflict resolution strategies. The research samples included 45 spouses of people suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder, who were placed in three experimental groups of 15 people: treatment based on acceptance and commitment, treatment based on mentalization, and the control group.
Findings: The results showed that there is a significant difference between the scores of the conflict resolution strategies in the post-test of the acceptance and commitment group and the mentalization group, and this difference is in favor of the acceptance group. That is, the scores of conflict resolution strategies in the post-test of the acceptance and commitment group were significantly lower than the mentalization group (P<0.05).
Conclusions: Based on this we can say that acceptance and commitment therapy has more effect on conflict resolution strategies.
Mrs Zeinab Ansari, Dr Hadi Samadieh, Dr Mehdi Rezaei,
Volume 22, Issue 2 (8-2024)
Aim and Background: Dyslexia, a common learning disability, affects students' reading and language processing abilities. This study compared phonological awareness, visual memory, and word naming speed among students with perceptual and linguistic developmental dyslexia and their typically developing peers.
Methods and Materials: This descriptive, causal-comparative study included all first and second-grade male and female students in Ferdows during the 2023-2024 academic year. A total of 45 students were selected through purposive sampling, divided into three groups of 15. The research instruments included Raven's Progressive Matrices, the Farsi Reading Ability Assessment Test - Level 1 (Pouretemad et al., 2013), the Special Learning Disorder Screening Questionnaire (Alizadeh et al., 2014), the Phonological Awareness Assessment Test (Soleimani and Dastjerdi Kazemi, 2014), two literacy and numeracy subtests, the naming speed subtest from the 5th edition of Wechsler's Intelligence Scale for Children (Karmi & Karmi, 2014), and Andre Ray's scrambled pictures test (1942). Data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of variance with SPSS version 25.
Findings: The results indicated significant differences in cognitive variables (phonological awareness, visual memory, and word naming speed) between perceptual and linguistic dyslexic groups. Additionally, typically developing children differed from dyslexic students across all three variables.
Conclusions: The findings suggest that students with linguistic dyslexia exhibit poorer performance in phonological awareness and visual memory compared to both perceptual dyslexics and typically developing children. Furthermore, perceptual dyslexics demonstrated weaker word naming speed compared to linguistic dyslexics and typically developing peers.
Mostafa Ansarion, Hasan Mirza Hosseini, Majid Zargham Hajebi,
Volume 22, Issue 3 (10-2024)
Aim and Background: A person's mood has an effect on selective attention and false memory; But the answer to the question which type of mood (negative or positive) and in which emotional situation (negative or positive) creates the most false memory, requires more research. The present study was conducted with the aim of determining the role of emotion induction on false memory with the mediating role of attention bias in patients with mood disorders.
Methods and Materials: The semi-experimental research method and the statistical population included all men and women suffering from major depressive disorder and bipolar I disorder (manic period) referred to Razi Psychiatric Hospital. 54 women and 54 men were selected by purposive sampling. In each group, 9 men and 9 women were included. Positive mood was induced to 36 subjects and negative mood to 36 subjects, and no mood was induced to 36 subjects in the control group. False Memory Questionnaire (DRM) was implemented as a pre-test to measure the level of false memory of subjects. And then the false memory task based on the DRM paradigm (post-test) with the mood induction method was used to measure the amount of false memory with different emotional content including positive, negative and neutral by showing the movie. After that, the Stroop test (attention hijacking) was also performed to check the level of emotional states and its effect on attention hijacking. Multivariate analysis of variance and analysis of covariance using statistical software SPSS 29 and pls3 were used to analyze the data.
Findings: Mood induction through attention bias has an indirect effect on false memory.
Conclusions: It can be concluded that attention bias play a mediating role in the relationship between mood induction and false memory