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Showing 3 results for سید موسوی

پريسا سيد موسوي, حميد رضا پور اعتماد, محمد رضا فياض بخش, فاطمه اسماعيل بيگي, پريسا فرنوديان,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (9-2011)

Aim and Background: The role of behavioral inhibition and activation systems as predisposing factors in readiness for emotional and behavioral problems in adolescents has been increasingly studied in recent years. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of these two systems in predicting the development of psychopathology in adolescents. Methods and Materials: The study population included all male and female junior high school students of Tehran. Multistage cluster sampling (with classification) was used to select 303 students (160 girls and 143 boys) from schools in 1st, 2nd and 13th districts of Tehran. The type of research design was descriptive-correlational. Participants completed youth self report questionnaire (YSR) and behavioral inhibition and activation scale (BIS/BAS). Descriptive (mean and standard variation) and inferential (correlation coefficient and regression analysis) statistical methods were used for data analysis. Findings: The results showed behavioral inhibition systems to be positively related to anxiety and somatic problems and negatively related to symptoms of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. On the other hand, behavioral activation systems had a positive relationship with symptoms of conduct disorder and a negative relationship with affective problems. All relationships were statistically significant. Conclusions: Our results, in agreement with previous studies, revealed that biological factors underlying behavioral inhibition and activation systems can be considered as predictive factors for emotional and behavioral problems in adolescents.
Saharsadat Sayedmousavipaske, Ali Fathiashtiani, Emad Ashrafi,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (7-2020)

Aim and Background: The burden of caring for the mentally ill is effective as an important factor in maintaining the patient in the community. There is no specific measurement tool for assessing and measuring this issue in schizophrenic patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Schizophrenia Caregivers Questionnaire.
Methods and Materials: The design of the present study was descriptive-correlational. About 147 caregivers of schizophrenia patients admitted to Roozbeh Psychiatric Hospital and the Family Support Organization of Schizophrenia patients in Tehran were selected as a sample. Three questionnaires of schizophrenia caregivers, quality of life questionnaire and positive and negative symptoms questionnaire were used to collect data. Data were analyzed using Cronbach's alpha, correlation coefficient and heuristic factor analysis.
Findings: In exploratory factor analysis, six factors (caregiver ability, interpersonal relationships, independence, social status, caregiver concern and caregiver fatigue) were extracted. In total, these six factors were able to explain 70.7% of the variance of the 32 questions of this questionnaire. The internal consistency of the subscales was also obtained with Cronbach's alpha in the desired range. The Varimax rotating matrix showed that all questions were usable.
Conclusions: The results of statistical analysis show that the schizophrenia patient care burden questionnaire has acceptable psychometric properties and can be used as a valid tool (with a validity coefficient of 0.67) in the Iranian population.
Tayebeh Madanifar, Parisa Sadat Seyed Mousavi, Mahin Hashemipour, Mehdi Tabrizi, Majid Koohi Esfahani,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (12-2022)

Aim and Background: Epidemiology of psychological problems of children with type 1 diabetes is particularly important due to the ever-increasing prevalence of its sufferers in the world and difficult and stressful conditions of living with this disease and also the long-term negative effects it can have on the physical, psychological, social, and spiritual development of people. Because knowing the current condition of these children is essential for any psychological planning and intervention; the present study was conducted with the aim of epidemiology of psychological problems of children with type 1 diabetes.
Methods and Materials: In this descriptive-cross-sectional study, 100 children aged 8 to 12 years with type 1 diabetes in Isfahan province who were cared for in medical centers of the University of Medical Sciences in 2022 were investigated. Psychological problems including emotional-behavioral problems were measured by Children's Behavior Inventory (CBCL). The data was analyzed through SPSS software version 26 and with descriptive (mean, standard deviation and percentage) and inferential (chi-square, one-sample t-test and one-way analysis of variance) indicators.
Findings: 68.7% of children examined in this research had psychological problems at the clinical level (55.2%) or borderline (13.5%).Some psychological problems were significantly related to gender and economic and educational level of the family (p ≤ 0.05).
Conclusions: Children with type 1 diabetes have internalized psychological problems such as anxiety, depression, somatization, as well as externalized problems such as rule-breaking and aggressive behaviors at the clinical and borderline levels. It is necessary to design and implement a context by strengthening the relationship between the medical team and the consultants to facilitate the acceptance of life with diabetes and help the children and their families express emotions properly.

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