Showing 9 results for سعیدی
مريم جديد ميلاني, طاهره اشک تراب, ژيلا عابد سعيدي, حميد علوي مجد,
Volume 9, Issue 5 (2-2012)
Aim and Background: According to the self-transcendence model, interventions to promote the level of self-transcendence can in turn improve physical health status. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between self-transcendence and perceived physical health in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) attending peer support groups. Methods and Materials: This quasi-experimental study used pretest and posttest to investigate the relationship between self-transcendence and perceived physical health in 33 patients with confirmed MS. Patients participated in three peer support groups (10 males in the male group, 11 females in female group and 12 males and females in the mixed group). Participants were required to attend 8 weekly sessions comprising 2 hours each. Data was collected by the Self-Transcendence Scale (STS) and physical health section of the Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life Inventory (MSQLI). Wilcoxon, Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests and Spearman and Pearson coefficients were used for data analysis. Findings: Comparing mean scores of self-transcendence (pretest: 44.57 (8.2); posttest: 53.21 (6.2); P = 0.001) and physical health status (pretest: 151.84 (33.3); posttest 171.58 (37.5); P = 0.009) showed significant differences after attending peer support groups. There was a positive relationship between self-transcendence and physical health status (P = 0.01). Conclusions: The results showed that promoting self-transcendence would lead to enhanced physical health status and the quality of life in general.
محمد فتحي, فرامرز سهرابي, مرتضي سعيديان,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (5-2013)
Aim and Background: Internet access is a growing phenomenon. With increasing and widespread access to Internet, dependency to Internet is observed among the youth. This research aimed to compare personality characteristics and identity styles in Internet addicted and non-addicted students. Methods and Materials: This was a causal-comparative research carried out in the educational years 2011-2012. The statistical community of the research contained all the dormitory male students resided in Tehran University dormitory (about 6000 students). 380 students were selected via random sampling based on Morgan table. According to the population of each dormitory, related questionnaires were distributed and fulfilled, so that by referring to each one of the student rooms, questionnaires were delivered and collected after about 20 minutes. The study tools included Young`s Internet Addiction Test (IAD), Personality Inventory (NEO), and Berzonsky Identity Styles Inventory (ISI-6). In order to analyze data in two descriptive and analytic levels, statistic t-test was utilized. Findings: Results indicated that in terms of personality characteristics, there is a difference between Internet addicted and non-addicted students, so that neuroticism was in a higher level for Internet addicted students than for non-addicted ones. As well, the three variables of extroversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness were in a higher level for Internet non-addicted students than for addicted ones. There was, however, no difference between the two groups in terms of personality characteristics of openness to experience. There was also a meaningful difference between the two groups in terms of identity variables. Informational style was in a higher level for Internet non-addicted students than for addicted ones. As well, normative style and diffuse-avoidant style was in a higher level for Internet addicted students than for non-addicted ones. Conclusions: There is, in terms of personality characteristics and identity style, a difference between Internet addicted and non-addicted students.
محمدتقي سعيدي, فخرالسادات قريشي راد, حسن بافنده قراملكي, سجاد توسلي, مسعود اعتمادي فر,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (8-2013)
Aim and Background: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system in which primary symptoms emerges in adults between the age 20 and 40 years old. Previous findings indicate 15-20 percent of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients are diagnosed with executive function impairments. The purpose of this study is to evaluate planning function as one of executive functions subsets in patients with relapsing-remitting MS. Method and Materials: In this ex-post facto study which is done in Esfahan MS association, 49 female with relapsing-remitting MS and 43 female age-, education- and IQ-matched without MS were selected by haphazard sampling. To assess their planning function, both groups were tested using Tower of Hanoi task. Findings: Multivariate analysis of variance shows significant difference between to group in three, four, five, six and seven movement tasks(p<0/ 001). Additionally, patient group has more extra moves (errors) than observe, considering that there was no limitation in time. To measure the sensitivity and specificity of different tasks of Tower of Hanoi task, ROC curve is applied. All curves were located above the reference line. Conclusions: Findings indicate patients with MS had impairment in planning function which is not caused by deficit in their general IQ. Also results showed that six and seven movement tasks of the Tower of Hanoi have higher sensitivity and specificity for assessing planning function.
Bahram Shahedi, Atefeh Saeidi Ghahe, Gholam Reza Kheirabadi, Mohammad Javad Tarrahi,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (7-2020)
Aim and Background: With respect to high depression prevalence and its risks which affects people’s individual and social life, we endeavor to identify related residential environment factors to be able to utilize it towards promoting residential environment using depression reduction approach. The present research has been performed aiming the review of performed studies with the relation between the characteristics of residential area and depression of settlers.
Methods and Materials: In this review article to find documents related to the subject of the article, authors assessed previous published articles regularly between 2005 to 2020 about relationship between residential environment and depression and also investigated the studies on Pub Med, Elsevier, Google Scholar, Isi, MDPI, BMC, Magiran, and SID using related key words such as: relationship between built environment, physical environment, living environment, neighborhood, interiors and exteriors, natural environment, residential environment, physical environment with mental health (depression, mental disorders).
Findings: Among 99 selected articles about the aforementioned subject, most of them were cross-sectional articles and approved meaningful relationship between at least one of the characteristics of residential environment and depression. From among different aspects of environment characteristics, lack of access to green areas, neighborhood, noise pollution, specifications of built environment, lighting, and walking facilities were more related to depression and this relationship showed some inconsistencies for the beauty of environment, urban environment, access to services, population density and psychological distance interference.
Conclusions: Reviewing the results indicates that characteristics of residential environment in many aspects relate to depression therefore its consideration to promote mental health (depression reduction) of residents of these environments would be necessary.
Atefeh Saeidi Ghahe, Dr Bahram Shahedi, Dr Gholam Reza Kheirabadi, Dr Mohammad Javad Tarrahi,
Volume 19, Issue 3 (10-2021)
Aim and Background: depression is a disease which affects people’s performance; it has been increased in the last years due to various reasons including living in apartment. Main purpose of this research is to study relation between size of residential place and residents’ depression.
Methods and Materials: current research plan describes different types of correlation. Statistical population of current research is residents of 15 regions of Esfahan Municipality, in the end 749 people were selected using cluster random sampling. It should be mentioned that two completed questionnaires have been received from at least two persons in each residential complex which include questions for investigating depression point, demography qualifications (age, gender, education, …) and residential environment qualifications like dimension and area, number of bedrooms, ceiling height, and privacy required for the residents. In the following, Anova (analysis of variance) was applied for data analysis.
Findings: The results of the analysis showed that increasing the area of residential unit, ceiling height, number of bedrooms and providing necessary privacy decreased depression of residents significantly and it is inversely related to depression.
Conclusions: in accordance with the results of current research, to provide mental health, dimensions of
residential space was more important, therefore it can be said that pay attention to space, increasing area of
residential unit, number of bedrooms and providing privacy for residents can be used as environmental factor
to elevate mental health and reduce residents depression point.
Masoomeh Namjoo Aboosaeidi, Mahin Askari, Emad Yosefi,
Volume 19, Issue 4 (1-2022)
Aim and Background: Today, substance use disorders and their serious consequences are associated with many serious medical and psychiatric problems. In this regard, the present study was conducted to compare the effectiveness of positivist psychotherapy and reality therapy on cognitive disorder and relapse anxiety in addicted patients.
Methods and Materials: The research method was quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test design and control group. The study population included all addicts undergoing treatment referred to specialized clinics for substance abuse treatment in Kerman in 2020. Among them, 45 (24 males and 21 females) were selected by the purposive sampling method and randomly assigned to three groups: 15 in the first experiment, 15 in the second experiment, and 15 in the control group. The first experimental group received a positivist psychotherapy intervention and the second experimental group received William Glasser reality therapy - each treatment - in 8 sessions of 90 minutes (2 sessions per week) as a group; The control group was placed on a waiting list for two months to receive the most effective intervention. In order to collect data, Mason et al.'s (1994) Cognitive Disorder and Anxiety Return Questionnaire was used to collect data. Fisher's analysis of covariance and post hoc tests were used to analyze the data.
Findings: Findings showed that both positivist psychotherapy and reality therapy are effective in reducing cognitive disturbance and relapse anxiety in addicts; However, there was a significant difference between the effectiveness of these two treatments on reducing cognitive disturbance and relapse anxiety (P<0.001).
Conclusions: Based on the findings of the study, it can be concluded that positivist psychotherapy is more effective than reality therapy on cognitive disturbance and return anxiety to the addicts under treatment. Tarab returned to the addicts under treatment.
Atefeh Saeidi Ghahe, Bahram Shahedi, Gholamreza Kheirabadi, Mohammad Javad Tarrahi,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (4-2022)
Aim and Background: social environment along with constructed environment can affect mental health. On the other hand depression is the major cause of many illnesses which imposed lots of burden on people and can disturb people’s function. Therefore major aim of this research was to investigate the role of social environment in the relationship between residential environment and depression score of the residents.
Methods and Materials: descriptive-correlation research method was used for this research. Statistical society was all residents of 15 regions of Isfahan city. 749 persons were selected using random cluster sampling for this research. In the previous research procedure, data was collected using library studies and then through questionnaires, Lovibond Depression Questionnaire (1995), residential environment qualifications evaluation questionnaire and social environment evaluation questionnaire were used. It should be mentioned that at least 2 questionnaires received from each residential unit. Analysis of covariance method was used to analysis data.
Findings: results showed that there is a relationship between residential and social environment and social environment has a trivial mediator role in the relationship between residential environment and depression.
Conclusions: based on the findings of current research, social environment had a small mediator effect on the relationship between residential environment and depression so it turned out that a part of predictor variable effect (residential environment) on criterion variable (depression) transferred through social environment variable, therefore paying attention to the variable can be used as an environmental factor in reducing residents depression and it is suggested that social environment should be considered in researches about studying the relationship between residential environment and depression.
Soheil Abousaedi Jirofti, Touraj Hashemi Nosrat Abad, Maryam Taleblu, Fatemeh Nemati Sogolitappeh,
Volume 22, Issue 2 (8-2024)
Aim and Background: Shame is one of the human emotions related to many mental disorders. However, there is no reliable tool in Persian that measures both internal and external shame simultaneously. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Internal and External Shame Questionnaire in students.
Methods and Materials: The research design was descriptive-correlational, More precisely, it was the validation of the test. The statistical population comprised students of University of Tabriz in the academic year 2023-2024. Considering the number of variables, 340 individuals were selected using a multi-stage cluster random sampling method. Data collection was conducted using Ferreira et al.'s (2020) Internal and External Shame Questionnaire (EISS). Data analysis included assessments of internal consistency, confirmatory factor validity, construct validity, convergent validity, and the correlation of each item's score with other items. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 26 and Amos version 22 software.
Findings: The results of the confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the scale has a two-factor structure and possesses good confirmatory validity. Cronbach's alpha coefficients were 0.71 for internal shame, 0.78 for external shame, and 0.85 for the total scale. Additionally, the average variance extracted (AVE) for scale factors and the composite reliability index (CR) demonstrated that the questionnaire has acceptable construct validity and convergent validity.
Conclusions: In general, the 8-item questionnaire for internal and external shame shows an acceptable fit with the data, and the goodness-of-fit indicators confirm its validity. Therefore, it can be used as a valid tool to assess internal and external shame in students.
Soheil Abousaedi Jirofti, Maryam Taleblu, Fatemeh Nemati Sogolitappeh,
Volume 22, Issue 3 (10-2024)
Aim and Background: Considering the importance of mental health and the high prevalence of crime among prisoners as a risky group and the growing procedure of psychiatric disorders in the country, the purpose of this study was to estimate the prevalence of psychiatric disorders symptoms and related demographic factors in Zahedan city prisoners in 2024.
Methods and Materials: The model of the research was descriptive-correlational and the statistical population of the research included all the male and female prisoners of the central prison of Zahedan. In current study, 386 male and female prisoners of Zahedan were selected as the sample of the research by using available sampling method. Symptom Checklist of Mental Disorders (SCL90) was used for collecting data. The collected data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and Chi-square statistical test, and SPSS version 26 software.
Findings: The results of this study showed that about 33.03% of the prisoners in Zahedan prison probably have one psychiatric disorder at the clinical level. The results of the current research, based on classification of the symptomatology checklist of mental disorders, showed that the most common psychiatric disorders among the prisoners of Zahedan prison respectively were: paranoid thoughts (43.3), sensitivity in interpersonal relationships (41.3), physical complaints (39.6), depression (39.1), anxiety (34.4), psychosis (30.6), hostility (31.0), obsessive-compulsive (24.9), and morbid fear (22.1). Also, there was a significant relationship between the prevalence of psychiatric symptoms with gender (P=0.001), the duration of enduring imprisonment (P=0.001), and education (P=0.001). However, any significant relationship between the psychiatric symptoms and the age in Zahedan prisoners was not found (P>0.01).
Conclusions: The above results indicate the importance of health and treatment planning for the group of prisoners as a group at risk and the need to pay attention to the mental state and appropriate therapeutic interventions as an urgent need for prisoners.