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Showing 2 results for حسین زاده ملکی

علي مشهدي, فاطمه ميردورقي, جعفر حسني, حميد يعقوبي, محمد حمزه لو, زهرا حسين زاده ملکي,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (4-2014)

Abstract Aim and Background: The aim of the present study was to investigate the prevalence of ADHD symptoms and its association with sluggish cognitive tempo (SCT) among freshmen of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. Methods and Materials: The statistical population of this descriptive cross-sectional study, was all freshmen (3272 students) of Ferdowsi university of Mashhad by Census method completed the Barkley Adult ADHD Rating Scale (BAARS). The data were analysed using Z scores, chi-square, and Pearson correlation test. Findings: The results showed that the prevalence of attention deficit, hyperactivity and impulsivity were 192 (5.9 percent), 281 (8.6 percent), and 189 (5.8 percent), respectively. In other words, according to total scores of BAARS, 217 (6.6 percent) of all university freshmen (100 females and 117 males) suffering from ADHD. In addition, comparing to hyperactivity and impulsivity the results of correlation analysis showed that there was a higher correlation between attention deficit and sluggish cognitive tempo (r=0.73). Conclusions: The high prevalence of ADHD symptoms among students, showed that the necessity of prevention and treatment programs for this disorder.
ابراهيم اکبري, حميد پورشريفي, زينب عظيمي, زهرا حسين زاده ملکي, احمد اميري پيچاکلايي,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (12-2015)

Aim and Background: The aim of the present study was to determine the effectiveness of transactional analysis based on motivational interviewing on patients with eating disorders. Methods and Materials: This quasi-experimental study was performed using a multiple baseline single case design. The study subjects consisted of 2 female clients of the psychological counseling unit of Imen Teb Zagros Center in Shiraz, Iran, in 2013. The participants were selected by purposive sampling method and underwent transactional analysis based on motivational interviewing. The subjects completed the Ahwaz Eating Disorder, Food Habits, Body Attitudes, Personality States, Interpersonal Relationships, and Self-esteem Questionnaires during pre-treatment (baseline) and at the third, eighth, fourteenth, nineteenth, and twenty-third sessions, and one-month follow-up. Moreover, their body mass index (BMI) was measured during the course of the treatment. Recovery percentage and the effect size were used for data analysis. For data analysis, percentage improvement and effect size index were used. Findings: The results showed that motivational interview-based transactional analysis was effective in curing patients with eating disorders and was been able to cause lasting and significant changes in all targets. At the end of the treatment and follow-up period, both participants demonstrated overall improvement in eating disorder (73%), eating habits (74%), body image (60%), interpersonal relationships (62%), self-esteem (54%), and personality states (76%). Conclusions: Transactional analysis based on motivational interviewing can be an effective treatment for patients with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.

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