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Showing 22 results for اکبری

محسن گلپرور, محمد اكبري,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (4-2010)

Aim and Background: Justice in the form of justice ideologies and an unjust and just world belief is the important perceptual and cognitive component in various domains of life. This research aimed to study the role of justice ideologies and the just and unjust world beliefs on behavioral and evaluative justice of college students’ distress in Isfahan city. Method and Materials: This was a retrospective correlation study. Statistical population was all the students in Isfahan city universities. From them, 500 students selected using convenience sampling. Research questionnaire included belief in a just world (from Dalbert), belief in an unjust world belief (from Dalbert, Lipkus, Sallay and Goch), justice in evaluation, behavioral justice, distress in universities (three from Dalbert and Stober) and justice ideology and democratic trust (Wegener et al). Data were analyzed using of Pearson’s correlation coefficient and structural equation modeling. Findings: The results of structural equation modeling showed that determinism and democratic trust have direct effect which explained 5.7 percent of variances of belief to the just world; belief to the just world explained 1.8 percent of variances of behavioral justice; egalitarianism explained 19.2 percent of variances of justice in evaluation and justice in evaluation; finally behavioral justice explained 7.9 percent of variances of distress. Conclusions: Reinforcing belief to the just world and diminishing egalitarian can increase behavioral justice and reinforcing belief to the just world can increase evaluative justice. Finally with increase of behavioral justice and evaluative justice, the levels of college students’ distress could decrease.
فاطمه علي‌ اكبري, خسرو توکل,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (2-2011)

Abstract Aim and Background: Adoption is a subject with prolix antecedent in historical society and culture. Child acceptation affects on partner and kinfolk relation; so the family experience recognition help nurse to have deep knowledge about family relation. Method and Materials: In this phenomenological qualitative study, participants were 15 family with adopted child in Shahrekord, Iran. Target based method used for sampling. Data were gathered by means of in-depth semi-structured face-to-face interviews. Data analysis was conducted using the phenomenological analytic method defined by Colaizzi. Findings: One hundred and sixty codes were extracted. Nine main themes were obtained related to psychological experiences including parent role acceptation, adoption tools, interaction with others, child specification, mental changes, family relation, life changes, child acceptation and relation with child. Conclusions: Based on our findings, mental changes were the most important experience mentioned by families. Adoption has some compensation for adopted child and consolidates the family basis.
ابراهيم اکبري, عباس بخشي پور رودسري, زينب عظيمي, صمد فهيمي, عبد الله قاسم پور, احمد اميري پيچاکلايي,
Volume 9, Issue 5 (2-2012)

Aim and Background: Asthma is a chronic illness that can severely affect people&#039;s lives. The aim of this study was to compare anxiety, depression, brain Behavioural systems (BIS-BAS), coping styles, anger and hostility among people with and without asthma. Methods and Materials: Fifty women with asthma attending Shahid Motahhari specialized clinic in Shiraz and 50 normal women were selected using purposive sampling method and were asked to fill these questionnaires: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), behavioural inhibition/activation system (Carver and White), coping styles (Lazarus and Folkman), and the Multidimensional Anger Inventory (Siegel). All participants ranged in age from 16 to 27 years. Data analysis was done by SPSS 11.5 and LISREL 8.54 using Multi-way analysis of variance test (MANOVA), and path analysis. Findings: Data analysis showed that the two groups had significant differences in anxiety- depression, behavioural inhibition / activation system and BAS subscales (response to drives, fun seeking, reward responsiveness), coping style, anger-arousal, range of anger-eliciting situations, hostile outlook and anger-in (all P<0.05). Conclusions: The results of this study showed that in comparison with normal people without asthma, people with asthma show more anxiety, depression, BIS activity and less BAS activity. Also People with asthma use more emotion oriented coping styles and experience more anger-arousal, anger, range of anger-eliciting situations, hostile outlook and anger-in. Also by path analysis, carefull examination of the relationships between variables showed that coping style has a mediational role in personality traits and clinical symptoms in patients with asthma.
امير موسي رضايي, هما کدخدايي اليادراني, محبوبه قاسمي پور, عليرضا هوايي, محمد درويش, فاطمه علي اکبري,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (12-2015)

Abstract Aim and Background: Due to the high incidence of breast cancer and the importance of spiritual well-being (SWB) of patients with this type of cancer, this study was performed to predict the role of psychological, medical and demographic factors, on SWB in patients with breast cancer Methods and Materials: This Cross sectional study was a descriptive-analytic one conducted in 341 breast cancer patients with simple sampling methodology. Data collection instrument included a questionnaire contains 3 parts (demographic and medical information, SWB questionnaire and DASS-42 questionnaire). The data was analyzed by descriptive and analytical statistics (One way Analysis of Variance, Student t-Test, Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients and Multiple linear regressions), with applying SPSSv20 software. Findings: Based on study findings, there was a statistically significant relationship between SWB and stress, anxiety and depression among breast cancer patients. The results of regression analysis indicated that the stress, anxiety and depression explained totally 39.5% of the variance of patients&#039; SWB (R 2 = 39.5). Depression in the first was the best predictions of the breast cancer patients&#039; SWB with R 2 = 26.2. Conclusions: According to the results obtained, SWB of patients with breast cancer is predicable according to the stress, anxiety and depression. Breast cancer patients with higher grades of SWB, had lower stress, anxiety and depression so SWB is a protective factor against stress, anxiety and depression. &nbsp;
ابراهيم اکبري, حميد پورشريفي, زينب عظيمي, زهرا حسين زاده ملکي, احمد اميري پيچاکلايي,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (12-2015)

Aim and Background: The aim of the present study was to determine the effectiveness of transactional analysis based on motivational interviewing on patients with eating disorders. Methods and Materials: This quasi-experimental study was performed using a multiple baseline single case design. The study subjects consisted of 2 female clients of the psychological counseling unit of Imen Teb Zagros Center in Shiraz, Iran, in 2013. The participants were selected by purposive sampling method and underwent transactional analysis based on motivational interviewing. The subjects completed the Ahwaz Eating Disorder, Food Habits, Body Attitudes, Personality States, Interpersonal Relationships, and Self-esteem Questionnaires during pre-treatment (baseline) and at the third, eighth, fourteenth, nineteenth, and twenty-third sessions, and one-month follow-up. Moreover, their body mass index (BMI) was measured during the course of the treatment. Recovery percentage and the effect size were used for data analysis. For data analysis, percentage improvement and effect size index were used. Findings: The results showed that motivational interview-based transactional analysis was effective in curing patients with eating disorders and was been able to cause lasting and significant changes in all targets. At the end of the treatment and follow-up period, both participants demonstrated overall improvement in eating disorder (73%), eating habits (74%), body image (60%), interpersonal relationships (62%), self-esteem (54%), and personality states (76%). Conclusions: Transactional analysis based on motivational interviewing can be an effective treatment for patients with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.
افضل اکبري بلوطبنگان, فاطمه رحماني, سحر عشق آبادي,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (11-2016)

Aim and Background: Aggression is common among adolescents all around the world. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to examine the reliability and validity of the Aggressiveness Scale. Methods and Materials: The present descriptive and psychometric study was conducted on 607 students. The study subjects were selected from among 10-13-year-old students using multi-stage cluster sampling. All participants completed the Aggressiveness Scale and Harter&rsquo;s Academic Motivation Scale (to determine concurrent validity). Exploratory factor analysis, item-total score correlation, and reliability analyses were performed to examine the psychometric characteristics of the scale. In addition, the Samijima graded response model was used to determine the fitness of data and analysis. Findings: Factorial analysis showed that the Aggressiveness Scale is saturated by one factor and has satisfactory fitness scales. Aggression had significant relationships with academic motivation (-0.17), academic achievement (-0.41), school absenteeism (0.41), and discipline (-0.35) (P < 0.01). Cronbach&#039;s alpha coefficient of the scale was 0.82. The data related to question responses had a suitable fitness with the Samijima model and the test awareness function in the range of +0.8 to +3 was a characteristic continuum. The statistical analysis was performed in SPSS, EQS, and Multilog software. Conclusions: The Persian version of the Aggressiveness Scale had acceptable psychometric characteristics among adolescents. Therefore, it can be used as a valid instrument for psychological studies. Furthermore, preventing and reducing aggression, and informing families, managers, chancellors, and teachers regarding the symptoms and causes of this problem, and methods to resolve it are necessary.
افسانه سرتيپ زاده, مهناز علي اکبري, سيده راضيه طبائيان,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (11-2016)

Aim and Background: In recent years, sources of stress and unfavorable environments have increased. Moreover, the world&#039;s elderly population is growing. Thus, the aim of the present study was the investigation of the effectiveness of spirituality therapy on the resiliency of elderly living in nursing homes. Methods and Materials: This was a quasi-experimental study with pretest and posttest and control group. The study population consisted of all elderly in Sadeghieh Nursing Home, Isfahan, Iran. From among the elderly who gained a score of less than 50, 20 individuals were selected and randomly divided into experimental and control groups (n = 10). The experimental group received 8 sessions of spirituality therapy-based intervention. The Conner-Davidson Resilience Scale was completed by the participants in pretest and posttest stages. The Cronbach&rsquo;s alpha of this scale in Iran was 0.87. Its reliability was obtained through test-retest (0.73). The collected data were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA in SPSS software. Findings: Group spirituality therapy caused a significant increase in mean scores and resiliency of experimental group in posttest and follow-up stages in comparison to pretest (P < 0.001). Conclusions: The results showed that spirituality therapy is a good method to increase resiliency in the elderly. Through participating in group spirituality therapy sessions and exchanging ideas and opinions, they found meaning and purpose in life and every event. Due to its relevance to the Iranian cultural and religious context, it is recommended that spirituality therapy be offered to other age groups and compared with cognitive therapy in terms of increase in resiliency.
مهناز علي اکبري دهکردي, احمد علي‌پور, پرستو عباسپور, الياس سليمي, يارحسين صفري,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (11-2016)

Aim and Background: The present study aimed to investigate the role of meta-cognitive beliefs, personality type D, and psychological well-being in the prediction of symptoms severity in psoriasis. Methods and Materials : This was a descriptive correlational study. The research population consisted of all individuals who referred to skin clinics in Kermanshah, Iran, for the treatment of psoriasis in 3014. The participants consisted of 115 individuals who were selected through convenience sampling. Among the participants, 51 were men. After the completion of the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) by a physician, the Type D personality scale, Ryff&rsquo;s Psychological Well-Being Questionnaire, the Meta-Cognition Questionnaire (Cartwright Hutton and Wales) were completed by the subjects. Findings: Meta-cognitive beliefs and type D personality had a significant negative relationship with psychological well-being. Moreover, meta-cognitive beliefs and personality type D predict the severity of psoriasis symptoms through the reduction of psychological well-being. Conclusions: The enhancement of individual well-being in all its components through appropriate psychological training interventions can help to speed up the treatment of patients with this disease.
مجيد صفاري نيا, رضا باقريان سرارودي, مهناز علي اكبري, مريم شاهنده,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (12-2016)

Aim and Background: Migraine is a common neurological disorder characterized by severe and disabling headache usually accompanied with nausea or vomiting, photophobia, and phonophobia, and results in varied levels of disability. Thus, clinicians must consider factors which influence the development, course, and severity of individual headache attacks and subsequent disability in order to minimize the frequency of attacks, reduce their severity, and limit their impact on functioning. Methods and Materials: This quasi-experimental clinical trial was conducted with a 3-month follow-up and control group. The study subjects consisted of 55 patients with migraine who had referred to neurologic clinics of hospitals in Ahwaz, Iran. The subject were selected through continuous sampling and randomly assigned to the 3 groups of psychosocial therapy (n = 20), biofeedback therapy (n = 15), and control (n = 20). Psychosocial and biofeedback therapies were implemented in 8 sessions, each lasting 60 minutes, based on the designed protocol. Data collection tools were a demographic checklist, the Migraine Disability Assessment (MIDAS) questionnaire, and biofeedback galvanic skin response (GSR) system. Data were collected for each group in 3 stages (pretest, posttest, and follow-up). Data were analyzed using repeated measures MANOVA in SPSS software. Findings: The severity of headache attacks in the three stages was significantly different (P < 0.001) in the two groups. A significant correlation was observed between mean severity of the stages and the groups (P < 0.001). Mean headache disability of the three stage were also significantly different (P < 0.001); in addition, there was a significant correlation between mean scores and groups (P < 0.001). Psychosocial therapy showed higher reduction in the severity of migraine attacks and headache disability, compared to biofeedback therapy, and its effects had persisted in the follow-up stage. Conclusions: The findings of this study revealed that psychosocial and biofeedback therapies were effective on improvement of migraine attacks and decreasing of headache disability. However, psychosocial therapy was more efficient in decreasing migraine attacks and headache disability in comparison to biofeedback therapy.
مهدي يعقوبي, فاطمه زرگر, حسين اکبري,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (2-2017)

Aim and Background: The literature review shows that the rate of relapse is high in patients with substance use disorders, even after participating in related pharmacological treatments. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of mindfulness-based relapse prevention (MBRP) on relapse rate in opioid dependents. Methods and Materials: This randomized controlled clinical trial was per&shy;formed in 2015 in Kashan, Iran. The population was opioid dependent patients referred to maintenance treatment centers in Kashan. Seventy patients were selected by convenient sampling and were randomly assigned in two groups (MBRP and control). The case group was trained MBRP in 8 sessions and control group received no intervention. Morphine was tested in both groups in pre-test and post-test and follow-up (one month after the post-test) to measure relapse rate. Data were analyzed using SPSS and t-tests for comparing the mean age between the two groups and chi-square test to compare the other demographic variables such as employment status, education level, history of abuse and marital status as well as relapse rate of the two groups. Findings: Significant differences were observed between intervention and control groups for relapse rate (P < 0.050). Conclusions: Mindfulness-based relapse prevention program can be an effective intervention on substance abuse and relapse prevention.
Mohaddeseh Norozi, Fatemeh Zargar, Hosein Akbari,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (7-2017)

Aim and Background: Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a novel method for resolving interpersonal problems. The aim of the present study was to determine the effectiveness of ACT on interpersonal problems and experiential avoidance among female students with interpersonal problems. Methods and Materials: In this convenience clinical trial, the study population consisted of all female students in the Islamic Azad University of Gorgan, Iran, in the fields of nursing, midwifery, laboratory sciences, management, law, accounting, and architecture. The participants consisted of 66 individuals selected via purposive sampling. The study population was randomly categorized into intervention (ACT group) and control groups. The intervention consisted of 10 90-minute ACT sessions, which were held by a trained clinical psychologist according to a study by McKay, Lev, and Skeen (2012). The data collection tools included two short-form questionnaires, i.e., the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IIP-32) and Acceptance and Action questionnaire (AAQ-II). Pretest and posttest scores were analyzed using ANCOVA Findings: After controlling of pretest scores, a significant difference was observed between the groups in terms of the average scores of interpersonal problems (P < 0.001) and experiential avoidance (P < 0.001) in the posttest. Conclusions: Based on the findings, ACT can be effective on improvement of interpersonal problems and experiential avoidance.
مليحه رحماني, عبداله اميدي, حسين اکبري, ذات‌اله عاصمي,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (7-2017)

Aim and Background: This study was designed to determine the effect of unified transdiagnostic therapy on binge eating and difficulties in emotion regulation in patients with binge eating disorder. Methods and Materials: In this single-blind randomized controlled trial, the study population consisted of all women diagnosed with binge eating disorder in Kashan, Iran. Of those who went to the nutrition clinic in Kashan in the first half of 2015, 60 individuals of 19-52 years of age who were diagnosed with binge eating disorder were selected through purposive sampling and were randomly assigned to two groups in order to receive transdiagnostic therapy (n = 30) or remain on the waiting list (n = 30) for 12 weeks. The dependent variables were measured using the Binge Eating Scale (BES) (Gormally et al.) and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) (Gratz and Roemer). The collected data were analyzed using MANCOVA. Findings: After 12 weeks, compared with the control group, transdiagnostic therapy resulted in a significant reduction in binge eating (-8.46 ± 3.55 vs. -1.36 ± 1.90) (P < 0.001) and difficulties in emotion regulation results (-99.70 ± 33.91 vs. 15.43 ± 24.32) (P < 0.001). Conclusions: The behavioral component of unified transdiagnostic therapy focuses on the normalization of eating patterns, planning of meals, nutrition education, and culmination of the cycles of binge eating, and training of the individual to use smaller amounts of food regularly. Moreover, the cognitive component of this therapy focuses on coping with dysfunctional thoughts associated with binge eating. Generally, unified transdiagnostic therapy intervention had positive effects on binge eating disorder and difficulties in emotion regulation.
مریم اکبری, علی اکبر ارجمندنیا, غلامعلی افروز, کامبیز کامکار,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (8-2017)

Aim and Background: The largest group of exceptional children who are enrolled in schools for exceptional children belongs to those with dyscalculia. The present study aimed to investigate the efficacy of mindfulness training on academic self-regulation and progress among the students with dyscalculia. Methods and Materials: The research method was quasi-experimental with a pretest/posttest design and control group. The statistical population of the study consisted of students with dyscalculia in fourth and fifth grades of elementary school in the academic year of 2014-15. The subjects received special services at Sanandaj City, Iran, rehabilitation centers for students with dyscalculia. 30 subjects were randomly selected and assigned to two equal groups of control and experimental. The experimental group participated in a 10-session mindfulness training program, but the control group was just exposed to conventional training at rehabilitation centers. Before and after the program, Academic Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ-A) developed by Ryan and Connell as well as researcher-made academic progress assessment test were administered. Multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) was used to analyze the data. Findings: Following the adjustment of pretest scores, compared to the control group, the experimental group enjoyed a significantly better self-regulation and academic progress (P < 0.050). Conclusions: In general, the findings of the present study are consistent with those of previous studies, which show that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)-based training has effectiveness on reducing psychological and academic problems of students with dyscalculia.
Hadi Parhoon, Alireza Moradi, Hamidreza Hasanabadi, Mohammad Esmaei Akbari,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (1-2019)

Aim and Background : The cognitive damage caused by breast cancer can have detrimental effects on the quality of life, occupational and social performance of these patients. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of evaluating the effectiveness of a cognitive rehabilitation on executive functions and self-care behaviors in patients with breast cancer. Materials and Methods : In an experimental study with pre-test, post-test and control group, 41 patients with breast cancer were selected by convenient sampling method and randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups. The experimental group underwent two months treatment and the scores of the Self-care behaviors questionnaire, Tower of London test (TOL) and Stroop Test (ST). were gathered in both groups before and after the intervention and in one month follow up period. The data were analyzed by the statistical test of mixed analysis of variance. Results : The results in the post-test and follow-up stages showed that there is a significant difference between the two experimental and control groups, in terms executive function (P <0.05 and self-care behaviors (P <0.05). This means that the experimental group who underwent the intervention program had a significant improvement in the post-test phase in the variables mentioned above, and the changes made during the follow-up phase were also stable. Conclusions : The results of this study indicate the effectiveness of a designed cognitive rehabilitation program on executive functions and self-care behaviors of patients with breast cancer; therefore, considering these findings and the mechanism, the effectiveness of this treatment method can have appropriate therapeutic effects on reducing cognitive and psychological problems and improving the quality of life of patients with brest cancer.
Mahnaz Aliakbari Dehkordi, Zohreh Azizi,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (8-2019)

Aim and Background: Reducing sex hormones in men with various physical and psychological problems, including depression, decreased physical activity, impairment in memory, and executive functions.The purpose of this study was to compare mental health between andropause and normal men in order to identify the psychological aspects of andropause . Methods and Materials: The present study was a causal-comparative study and 150 men were selected as the research sample from the male employees of Tehran Medical University who aged 45-65 years. After filling Androgen Deficiency of Aging Men (ADAM) questionnaire and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), participants divided into two groups; normal and andropause clinical diagnosis. Who received androgen-deficiency syndrome by the questionnaire referred to the lab in order to biochemical diagnosis of andropause. Findings: There were significant differences between this three groups in terms of physical symptoms, social function, anxiety and depression, and those who received a laboratory diagnosis of andropause reported more depression and anxiety . Conclusions: According to the result, who received andropause laboratory diagnosis had severe depression and anxiety that indicates the necessity of using psychotherapy along with hormonal and other therapies for andropause .
Zohre Azizi , Mahnaz Aliakbari Dehkordi , Ahmad Alipour,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (8-2019)

Aim and Background: Anxiety can lead to heart disease in a 10-year interval, and heart disease, in turn, leads to anxiety; death anxiety. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of group schema therapy on reducing the death anxiety in cardiovascular patients. Methods and Materials: The statistical population included all patients with cardiovascular disease referred to Tehran heart center. The sampling method was of convenience and the research design was semi-experimental with the experimental and control groups including pre-test and post-test. Initially, the data from the Templer death anxiety scale were collected from 113 individuals and after a primary evaluation 30 individuals (18 women and 12 men) from the participants who had the highest marks in the test were involved in the research and assigned randomly to two experimental and control groups. It was previously considered that the participants did not suffer from a nervous condition disturbing consciousness, such as head injury and dementia. Then, the members of the experimental group were intervened for 12 sessions of 90 minutes by group schema therapy and after that, they were evaluated again in terms of the degree of death anxiety. Data were analyzed by SPSS version 23. Findings: The results showed that after the implementation of the schema therapy, the death anxiety level of the experimental group significantly decreased (p< 0.05, F= 147.4). Therefore, the hypothesis of the research on the effectiveness of group schema therapy on reducing death anxiety is confirmed. Conclusions: This finding may contribute to the current research vacuum regarding death anxiety in cardiovascular patients as well as to clinical applications in the face of this phenomenon.
Mohammad Akbari, Mohsen Golparvar, Mohsen Lali, Parisa Taraneh,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (3-2020)

Aim and Background: Sexual abuse of children and adolescences is a global phenomenon. These behaviors have a destructive effect on the mental health of adolescents. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of integrative Acceptance Commitment-Cognitive Behavioral therapy (ACT-CBT) and parent management training (PMT) on the post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms of adolescent boy with sexual abuse.
Methods and Materials: The research method was semi-experimental, and research design was three groups (one group ACT-CBT, one group PMT and one group of control) with three stages of pre-test, post-test and two months follow-up. The statistical population of the study was adolescent boy aged 14 to 18 years old with sexual abuse in Isfahan, among them 45 people were selected based on inclusion criteria and then randomly assigned to two experimental groups and one control group. The dependent variable measurement instrument was the Weathers et al (1994) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Syndrome Questionnaire. The ACT-CBT and PMT received treatment in 10 sessions. The data were analyzed by repeated measure analysis of variance and post-hoc Bonferroni test.
Findings: The results showed that integrative ACT-CBT reduces the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder among adolescent boy with sexual abuse (P<.001), but PMT had no effect on reducing the post-traumatic stress disorder (P<.05).
Conclusions: According to the research findings, it is suggested that the integrative ACT-CBT should be used in the treatment of boy adolescents who encountered with sexual abuse to reduce the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Azam Arabi, Jafar Hasani, Mehdi Akbari, Mohammad Hatami, Mohammad Reza Sherbafchi Zadeh,
Volume 18, Issue 4 (1-2021)

Aim and Background: Skin diseases, such as psoriasis, are associated with significant psychological and social disabilities. Therefore, the current research was done with the aim of examining the effectiveness of self-compassion Therapy on psychological distress and quality of the life of Psoriasis Skin Patients.
Methods and Materials: This research is a semi-experimental with control group and follow-up which was observed for a month. The statistical population of the research includes all skin patients with psoriasis who went to skin treatment centers in Tehran between Dec and Feb in 2019. From this population, 40 people were selected by available sampling method and after matching were randomly assigned to experimental (20 people) and control (20 people) groups. The subjects of experimental group received seven sessions of self-compassion Therapy, however, the control group did not receive any training. The questionnaires of Kessler's Psychological Distress (2002) and Bref's Quality of Life (1996) were distributed before and after educational interventions as pretest, posttest and follow up study on all subjects. The findings of the research were analyzed with Variance with repeated measures and SPSS-20 software.
Findings: The results of the analysis showed that the self-compassion Therapy was significantly effective in reducing psychological distress and increasing quality of life in Psoriasis Skin Patients (p <0.05).
Conclusions: It seems that self-compassion Therapy can help improve psychological distress and quality of life of Psoriasis Skin Patients by increasing kindness to oneself and others and managing emotions.
Mohammad Seyedahmadi, Fahimeh , Hossein Samadi, Hadi Akbari,
Volume 19, Issue 3 (10-2021)

Aim and Background: Mental health refers to cognitive, behavioral, and emotional well-being. It is all about how people think, feel, and behave. Mental health can affect daily living, relationships, and physical health. The purpose of this study was to systematic review and meta-analysis of studies that compared the mental health of athletic and non-athletic students.
Methods and Materials: Articles were searched in Persian in the SID, Noormags, Civilica, Elmnet using the keywords “mental health”, “general health”, “athlete”, and “non- athlete” were used without any time limit until February 2017. Inclusion criteria included cross-sectional studies comparing athletes and non-athletes as well as studies using the General Health Questionnaire-28 (GHQ-28). The modified checklist by Downs et al. (1998) was used to assess the methodological quality of the selected studies. Articles were reviewed using the PRISMA checklist.
Findings: Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, finally 12 articles from 478 studies were comprehensively reviewed. According to the results of the study, the total number of athletes and non-athletes was 1252 and 1451, respectively. The results of meta-analysis showed that there is a significant difference between the mental health of athlete students and non-athlete [MD = -5.15, 95% CI (-3.34 to -6.96)] as well as there is a significant difference between athletic and non-athletic students in the following four subscales of mental health so that in all cases the athletes were better; physical symptoms [MD = -1.23, 95% CI (-0.70 to -1.75)], anxiety and sleep disorder [MD = -1.73, 95% CI (-1.24 to -2.21)], social dysfunction [MD = -1.50, 95% CI (-0.74 to -2.25)], and depression [MD = -1.43, 95% CI (-0.85 to -2)].
Conclusions: The results of this study showed that student-athletes had better general health than non-athletes. Therefore, exercise and physical activity can promote students' mental health.
Afzal Akbari Baloutbangan, Fardin Farmani, Fatemeh Abdpoor, Shabnam Gholami Sehchek,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (4-2022)

Aim and Background: This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of bullying control training on the health-promoting behaviors of adolescent bullies: the mediating role of perceived social support.
Methods and Materials: The study design was quasi-experimental with pre- and post-test and one-month follow-up with control groups. The statistical population consisted of adolescents aged 14 to 17 years old from public schools of District 17 in Tehran. 40 adolescents who were compatible with inclusion criteria and obtained a high score in the Harter bullying scale were randomly selected and assigned to two experimental and control groups. The research tools consisted of the Perceived social support scale by Zimet et al. (1988) and the Health Promoting Behavior of Walker et al. (1987), which was completed in three phases (pre-test, post-test, and one-month follow-up) by both groups. The Bullying Control Education program was implemented at eight sessions of 90 minutes for the experimental group. Structural modeling with minor least squares approach was used in several multi-response patterns using SPSSV22 and SmartPLSV3.3 software for data analysis.
Findings: The results showed that Bullying Control Education had a positive and significant effect on Social Support and Health Promoting Behaviors in the post-test and follow-up phases. The results also showed that Bullying Control Education has an indirect and significant effect on Health Promoting Behaviors due to social support. The research model in the post-test phase was 51%, and in the follow-up phase, 54% of the variance of Health Promoting Behaviors.
Conclusions: Based on the results of this study, it can be said that the effectiveness of Bullying Control Education on Health Promoting Behaviors with the mediating role of Perceived Social Support is desirable. Therefore, teachers' knowledge, parents, psychologists, consultants, and other educational professionals from these variables can be helpful.

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